You name the new Anthrax record

I could give two shits about what it is entitled, I'm all about the music. Although I did like Take the Music Back a little better than We've Come for You All, but that title is growing on me. Nobody liked the title Attack of the Clones until they saw it.
You may have something there. I think Attack of the Clones is a gay name for a Star Wars movie, but I haven't seen it yet (probably the only one here). They could name the album THIS SUCKS DON'T BUY IT and I'd be there on release day.
I thought the name my dad came up with rocked:
"Pushing the Envelope"
but apparently most folks on here thought it was in bad taste. You know, Anthrax and envelope. I guess my father and I have a twisted sense of humor.
Oh, "We've Come For You All" goes really good with the cover. You'll see. The cover's also cool in that it's open to multiple interpretations, test your psyche. Alex Ross is amazing. It's a very over the top cover, similar to Spreading The Disease but totally different imagery and style.
I still think "Certified Mail" would've been good. I liked "Take the music back", but I don't really like "We've come for you all". But who cares, the bottom line is, as long as the songs are good. Because so many bands forget about the song.(or can't write anything catchy)
Originally posted by TD
Nobody liked the title Attack of the Clones until they saw it.
Actually, I liked the title more than I liked the movie. "Attack of the Clones" as a title follows the same format as "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the JedI", which were equally cheesey movie titles. I thought "Phantom Menace" was a worse movie title. The more I digest the movie itself, the less I think it comes anywhere near the originals. I'd rate it roughly equal to Phantom Menace.

Anyway, as for album titles, I don't give a shit...just let me hear it. "We've Come For You All" is as good as anything...I don't buy albums for their title.
I do like, "Pushing the Envelope". I too have a sick mind.

But as NAF said, I don't give a shit! Just bring it on! You know it's gonna rock the house, and make young girls get a mushy!