You Tube Videos


New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2006
Hello All,

I was looking around YouTube just wasting time, when I came across a couple of videos by Chris Broderick - one was a "Betcha You Can't play This" that apparently wasn't used by Guitar World, the other was a "String Skipping Demo". Now, immediately after seeing those videos I went searching for the tab, but couldn't find the tab for these 2 videos anywhere on Mr Broderick's site :cry:.

So would someone please, please, point me to where I can download the tab for these examples?

Thankyou and Regards,
Chris posted the tab to the one Guitar World didn't use in another thread, but here it is. I also saw on YouTube that someone posted the two videos that were used in Guitar World's Oct. 2006 issue:

Thank you MetalSteph for posting that tab that will give me something to work on for some time - a very long time.

And Zac can you play it up to speed with one hand??

Now has anyone worked out the tab for the "String Skipping Demo" as of yet? I think that would really help my technique.

Thankyou and Regards,
CelticWarrior said:
Thank you MetalSteph for posting that tab that will give me something to work on for some time - a very long time.

And Zac can you play it up to speed with one hand??

Now has anyone worked out the tab for the "String Skipping Demo" as of yet? I think that would really help my technique.

Thankyou and Regards,
Hey CelticWarrior,

I haven't done the tabs to that yet, because I wanted to realease it on my instructional DVD, but we'll see I might just go ahead and release it.

Chris_Broderick said:
Hey CelticWarrior,

I haven't done the tabs to that yet, because I wanted to realease it on my instructional DVD, but we'll see I might just go ahead and release it.

Oh sorry Mr Broderick, I didn't know you were planning to release an Instructional DVD :). Are you going to release it through "Shred Academy" or "Chops from Hell"? And when do you plan to release it?
