You want technical? Behold...The Arctopus!!

geez you guys, no need to be so critical of each other and I was only replying to my own thread (metis)about behold being spazzy sounding I really dig them now even if no vocals, and curious to hear from others.
if nothing else bringing back an old thread such as this can turn on just a few more people to more cool progressive bands is a great thing, right?
incase it hasn't already been mentioned, I'd like to suggest TWISTED INTO FORM. this is the band featuring Spiral Architect's first singer and Kaj, so the sound is pretty similar to Spiral Architect.

definitely check them out
PS: That post reminded me of someone, it's like the "DarkLord-ian" spirit came back......

It seems like i've left a legacy in this forum, one based on putrid retaliations... "The Dark Lord always leaves his mark" :heh: !! (LOL)

... I got the BTA album as well.. and i think it's pretty darn good... although the final mix is still kind of rough and not very pro (my opinion ofcourse)

** and in reply to "UNKNOWN" about Twisted into Form: there are atleast two threads about them in this forum and i'm sure you'd be interested in checking them out... and yes, they are very damn good too... very solid debut album... (my only negative on this album would probably be "Manumit")
... but i have to disagree with you on one issue, TIF sound nothing like S A, which is really a good thing in my opinion.
Dark Lord said:
I got the BTA album as well.. and i think it's pretty darn good... although the final mix is still kind of rough and not very pro (my opinion ofcourse)

but i have to disagree with you on one issue, TIF sound nothing like S A, which is really a good thing in my opinion.

Oh my god!!!!!!! He's back!!! And I agree with him!!!!! Did the world changed that much in the past few months?????

Well, welcome back...
There's a point where technical bands go too far. SA is one of the few bands that manages to avoid going off the deep end of tech because they have a fantastic vocalist and memorable songs.

BTA on the there hand, have always just seemed like more self-serving American wank artists. They don't do anything for me. They're obviously quite technically gifted, but the songwriting just isn't there to make it worth more than one or two novelty listens.