You wish you are as grim and tough as me but you're not.


Nov 6, 2002
I'm 167 cm tall and only 135 pounds but I'm still much tougher than you because I listen to none other than Pantera, Dying Fetus, Slayer and poppin in their plastic CDs into my walkman. I often practice air guitaring in front of the mirror and grunting to practice being intimadating and overall just grim. Most think getting tough means body building or excercise but sorry they've been living a total lie. You'll be much tougher just sitting on your ass and making bullshit threads on Ultimate Metal on your computer and editing your MSN profile talking about being grim.

MURAI said:
I'm 167 cm tall and only 135 pounds but I'm still much tougher than you because I listen to none other than Pantera, Dying Fetus, Slayer and poppin in their plastic CDs into my walkman. I often practice air guitaring in front of the mirror and grunting to practice being intimadating and overall just grim. Most think getting tough means body building or excercise but sorry they've been living a total lie. You'll be much tougher just sitting on your ass and making bullshit threads on Ultimate Metal on your computer and editing your MSN profile talking about being grim.

Lack of punctuation and proper grammar is definitely tough.
Fucking hilarious PARODY you have there.

Now, if only people could tell it was parody besides me...
If it wasn't because Murai is already a long poster, I'd have said the guy was looking for "Vito" Sixxswine and "Luca" Jonny D to tear him a new asshole :lol:

Hey guys, we need to use some smilies otherwise we are going to start a war for free one of these days :p
sixxswine said:
Baldy, I think he's kidding.
I know I am, Murai is an okay dude.
He's a cocky kid. Weren't we all at one time?!
For the record Murai, I'm just kidding...:heh:

I am conceited indeed.


y'know, the thing is, i run into little shit nuggets like that all the time. In the bus, and there's one in my music appreciation class, too. Thinks he's one tough nugget because he listens to "kick ass death metal", as he calls it, like Slipknot, Lamb Of God and Killswitch Engage. :lol::lol::lol:

Just the other day, actually......yesterday, a dude with an In Flames shirt came up to me on the bus, and just straight up called me a pussy for wearing Iron Maiden, Helloween, Savatage and Judas Priest patches on my jacket . I just turned up my CD player, and moved to the next seat up. But not without saying, "Yeh, you're a big bad ass too, mr. I-Love-In Flames".
Wicked Child said:

y'know, the thing is, i run into little shit nuggets like that all the time. In the bus, and there's one in my music appreciation class, too. Thinks he's one tough nugget because he listens to "kick ass death metal", as he calls it, like Slipknot, Lamb Of God and Killswitch Engage. :lol::lol::lol:

Just the other day, actually......yesterday, a dude with an In Flames shirt came up to me on the bus, and just straight up called me a pussy for wearing Iron Maiden, Helloween, Savatage and Judas Priest patches on my jacket . I just turned up my CD player, and moved to the next seat up. But not without saying, "Yeh, you're a big bad ass too, mr. I-Love-In Flames".
I love LoG, Killswitch, but how brain dead is that guy? Death Metal?!:tickled:
Dude is a fucking retard!
You a pussy?!:tickled:
That's even funnier!:tickled:
You should have asked him, if he just bought the shirt at Hot Topic?
Better yet, if he even heard In Flames before....
I wonder if we could get their mothers retroactive abortions?!:D
I am so goddamn tough. I'm 17, I listen to rather fucked up and scary bands like Lamb Of God, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot and In Flames and I call them all death metal. People bitch at me telling me they're not death metal but they're those pussy cunts listening to stuff like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. I used to listen to Papa Roach but I realized they're gay since they're trendy nu-metal. That shit got old, so now I listen to garage revival bands like The Hives, The Used and metal like Lamb Of God.

I am so underground, anti-corporate and grim that I seen Lamb Of God on Ozzfest supported by HOT TOPIC which is an underground store where they fuel our rebellious attitude. They get where we come from and we wear our studded belts proud and colour our hair in multiple colors to show everybody we're truely rebels of society.

:lol: :lol: I can't tell you how much this thread has cracked me up :lol:

And for the record.. I love the old In Flames albums.
But they do have A LOT of brain dead "tough-guy" fans as well.
Igor_Cavalera said:
:lol: :lol: I can't tell you how much this thread has cracked me up :lol:

And for the record.. I love the old In Flames albums.
But they do have A LOT of brain dead "tough-guy" fans as well.

Murai I try to be neither tough nor grim. I am a "hippie" sort of metal-head. I love metal music and metal-heads. It is just not important for me to be a tough guy. I take baths as opposed to showers because I like to soak my tired feet. My masculinity is not an issue with me. I enjoy a peaceful life even though I listen to some heavy stuff just like you do.
Having said that.... I am not one to fuck with. I won't go into any details.... it's not my style, but fucking with 200 lb Alabama metal-head rednecks shouldn't be on people's top list of thiungs they want to do in life.

I'm so grim I hear Evanescence records backwards to find Popular Mechanics hidden messages.