Young Guitar DVD TABS

Yeah the first Demo thing seems to be an old classical piece. At the ending credits of some show they have a violinist guy playing a run, and he plays a run EXACTLY like one of the ones Alexi plays from that demo, so I'm assuming its from the same song. In which case the tabbers probably shouldn't have bothered spending so much time doing it by ear, as there would be sheet music for it about.
Yes, like said before in this thread, it's taken from vivaldi's the four seasons-summer. Here is a link that a lot of people will probably find very very usefull:
It has a very very great load of guitar tabs from classical peaces like paganine bach etc etc. U will recognize the vivaldi's the four seasons-summer if u click on the midi thing. U will recognize it immedeatly when you hear it. Also a very nice thing to check out is in the paganini 24th caprice tab.
There is a link to a video from a japanese girl playing the 24th caprcice on classical guitar without plectrum. well, here's the link and it's 200%worth viewing it:

Enjoy the links.

Failure: somehow the last link doesnt work. Perhaps it will work later again, if not, it's shared on emule +- 20 mb video file caprice 24th-paganini. Just type search paganini.