Your All Being Boring Now!

Personally, I'm upset that you laughed at my solemn confession about regretting not going to uni, and so I don't feel up to posting anything else... *sniff*
Originally posted by Spiff
Personally, I'm upset that you laughed at my solemn confession about regretting not going to uni, and so I don't feel up to posting anything else... *sniff*

That is not what I was laughing at. I was laughing at the Oprah and Donahue comment as Jerry was just on Rove.

Am I forgiven now?:cry:
I have to be up at 7 to rehearse actors in a gay TV production we have to make about a female golfer from New Zealand with a sexual problem.
Me? BORING? I'll have you know I can quote entire episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus, Blackadder, Red Dwarf and Fawlty Towers in several different languages! That, young lady, is a skill to be reckoned with :p.

I'm also quite good at sitting at home all weekend not talking to anyone, but that's because I'm lazy, not boring :).