Your at home jam rig


Oct 12, 2007
The North
so what are you guys jamming out of when you cant play full blast?
currently switching between my computer using tsx50 and my roland microcube. the microcube is actually pretty awesome for a little combo amp. honestly thinking about selling my mesaboogie and getting an axefx because im not playing with a band these days.. i want something i can switch to what ever vibe i want on a moments notice. without all the hassle of plugins.
Megalith into Mesa OS. Fuck being quiet.

Honestly though, zero issues playing at low volume through that setup. Power stage in the amp is surprisingly effective at low volumes, even when it's powering V30's.
TS7 > RAT > Box of Rock > Ibanez DE7 Delay (the super pink one!) > Ibanez TSA15 combo. Pretty versatile little setup. Can do from sparkly clean to bluesy to roaring marshall in pocket format, depending on what combo of pedals I have active.

Really digging the BoR, especially on low gain settings. It has a very natural break-up for a box imo. Stacks well with my other pedals too. I think it sounds best when going straight into the poweramp; probably because it was designed to sound like a vintage marshall. I think of it as a preamp.

The TSA15 amp is a decent small platform for pedals. Very clean by itself, and although it's not the most exciting amp ever, I wouldn't call it sterile. I think it's in league with the small Fender amps in the same pricerange. I think the stockspeaker isn't the best match, but it works.
One hint for people that want to try it: the EQ controls on 12 oclock don't sound so great imo, and I've read that other people experience this as well. Start off with both of them around 9 oclock.
I play through my Egnater Tweaker rig (head and cab) with my Digitech RP1000 wired up via 4 cable method so I can either let the Tweaker's preamp take the lead with the RP providing effects only or use modeling for everything when I want something different. I have a Weber Mini-MASS attenuator for a little volume control when needed, but generally it's switched off.
Vox DA5, but I'm actually looking to upgrade soon if there's anything cool in the ~€100 price range. A friend recommended the new Yamaha thr things, but they seem a bit too expensive to just practice at home real quiet.

I can't deal with the hassle of plugging my guitar into the computer and having to start software to start playing. 90% of the time I'm already stuck tweaking the sounds, browsing forums and whatever 15 seconds in, whereas with a simple amp and a metronome I can practice and play for hours. That's just me though.

The DA5 is definitely better than the Roland Micro Cube though, that's for sure. There's a new version out too, but I only tried it once for a few minutes and didn't really get a clear image of how it sounded and if it were any better.
I can't deal with the hassle of plugging my guitar into the computer and having to start software to start playing. 90% of the time I'm already stuck tweaking the sounds, browsing forums and whatever 15 seconds in, whereas with a simple amp and a metronome I can practice and play for hours. That's just me though.

I totally agree. I sold my smaller fender solid state combo a year or so back and figured I would just use sims and my interface to practice but I always ended up derailing the whole practice routine trying to record ideas or just tweaking crazy sounds. My chops have suffered a bit for that decision. I just picked up an old school marshall valvestate to get my game back on track, love it for practicing.
I live in the suburbs with a large yard on a corner lot and cool neighbors. I don't have an issue til about 9pm my neighbor goes to bed. I still don't think he would hear it, but I usually quiet down by then to be safe. If I want to play I usually use amplitube 3 with the engl amp and one of the 4x12 settings or recabinet. Or I will just use my 5150 on 3 instead of 5 :loco:
I have my Blackstar HT-5 at school; I can get it just loud enough in my apartment for a decent mic'd recording (through the HT cab). I'd also love to get an Orange microterror and blend the two together for a hairy, gnarly mastodon-type tone.

That's my main set-up, but if I had the budget I would kill to have a Laboga Mr.Hector and an Emperor 6x12.
POD XT plus 20-watt Laney combo or Peavey Vypyr 30.

Mostly the Laney and the POD, tho. The Peavey Vypyr sounds horrendous. Worst amp purchase I've ever made.