Your dream band...


Fretbuzz Virtuoso
Jul 12, 2002
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Try to describe your dream band, i.e. the sound of that band. This will probably be a mixture of characteristics of many different real bands...

well, I start:

-rough description: dark, progressive, emotional and technical metal

-long instrumental sections with lots of long-ass guitar solos
-some twin guitar stuff going on (like Psychotic Waltz for example)
-characteristic vocals, good, imaginative lyrics (and no lame political
statements or cheesy stuff!)
-no keyboards please!
-epic compositions, lots of tempo changes, but at the same time a strong
sense of melody and catchiness
-different moods, but a tendency towards melancholy
-creative, interesting drums (o rly?)
-progressive, but not overly technical (like Spiral Architect and such)
descpipthion of my dream ban d:

-no class
-Axenrot has to be on the band :)0):):)
-pseudo-ghostly tech thrash stuff with the occasional fludgelhorn sol0 and mambo influence
-structured songs but often incoherent to spice it all up
-protest-y, worried ass lyrics
-no drums, just like Nick Drake, Harmonium and The Police
-some soulful shit happening on the background
-DAN SWANO :notworthy: :notworthy:

:beerbang: : :beerhead: :Shedevil: :heh:rhead: :heh:
My band would have a dream line up:

Simen Vortex from Dimmu on main vocals
Mikko from Swallow the Sun doing growling vocals
Garm from Ulver doing programming and play electronic instruments
Psy-Clone from Kovenant playing guitar and arraning keyboard parts
Mikael from Opeth playing guitar also some 2nd vocals
Ishan from Emperor on 2nd guitars
Martin Lopez on Drums
Mustiis from Dimmu on keys
The accordian player from Turisas

Guest vocals on one track by:
Jonas from Katatonia
Tomi from Amorphis
The girl from Within Temptation
Yue on base.
Me on teh elextric gitare (im fuken brill LoL
Taht reely gud drumkid - the lil; blakc k1d whuz like WAy good!!!
Dez Farfarer dooen vokillz - he has such a rainge! Loud + quite :O:O
Chop1n on sinthesizeer - he'd b DOPE skillz!!!
&nd weed b sined 2 roderunnre

mikeal wud b r produser becozxxx he's jesus,!!!
id lvoe to do something along the line of Aanathema......eternity and judgement era anathema.....and some opethy- influences.....also some zeppelin -esque blues....maybe some SRV (come on Im from austin TX) ....hahaha.....also throw in some green carnation, katatonia, alice in chains and last but not least...soem MoP era metallica....and some reign in blood slayer...!!!!...PEAC EOUT