Your Favorite Metal Song Of All Time?


Sexy Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
A pub,Perth.
'Tis a tough question,but todays answer would be Only by Anthrax.Anyone who's ever had a nutter as a girlfriend will understand :)

Close second is Paradise City by Gn'R (especially if played whilst pissed at a club,armed with a pool cue for the essential" Axl shimmying with mic stand" moves.)Chicks dig it!!*

*may not be true-if you dont get laid,dont blame me you bastard!!!
What a tough question! Um.... Hallowed Be Thy Name comes to mind immediately! So does Painkiller... and Youth Gone Wild... and a million others. Dammit I can't choose! :mad: :lol:
Yes! "I Wanna Rock" is one of those great songs which just really hits home with me and it's my philosophy on life! Hehehe.

:rock: I love Twisted Sister!
Cor, I don't know... this is an extremely tough one. If I list ten songs, then I'll remember 20 others later which I forgot to mention.

Still, here's a few that spring to mind:

22 Acacia Avenue
Take the Time (DT)
Episode 666 (In Flames)
Heaven & Hell (Sabbath)
City Beneath the Surface (Savatage)
Originally posted by Spiff

Episode 666 (In Flames)

Thats in top 10 songs I reckon.

My favorite would probably Dark Tranquilty-Punish My Heaven.

I played that for my english assignemnt last year as an example of poetry.

I got good marks to.
The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears -Machine Head is a great song for when im working out as is their song White Knuckle Blackout.

ahhh other favs...hmmm.....why do people ask these hard hard questions?