Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Sep 9, 2009 #41 It's no St. Anger, that's for sure.
derek Grey Eminence Sep 30, 2005 18,777 66 48 Edinburgh, U.K. Sep 9, 2009 #42 Even that record is not all bad.
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Sep 9, 2009 #43 I meant it in the opposite manner of which you thought.
derek Grey Eminence Sep 30, 2005 18,777 66 48 Edinburgh, U.K. Sep 9, 2009 #46 Even Peter can't quite grasp what's going on!
WhiteBeastofWotan Apostitutes! May 22, 2003 31,057 123 63 36 Philly Visit site Sep 9, 2009 #47 looks like he's trying to grasp some titties
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Sep 9, 2009 #48 he's thinking back to his youth "NOW WHERE DID I PUT MY FLOWER HAT"
Shpongled Member Aug 30, 2001 13,483 88 48 Sep 9, 2009 #49 that pic is the same width as your sig. Not sure why I noticed that.
derek Grey Eminence Sep 30, 2005 18,777 66 48 Edinburgh, U.K. Sep 9, 2009 #50 He performs upside down on tour now, just to fuck with your head. Damn Gabriel.
Det Som Engang Var Viking Bastard Jun 3, 2005 13,262 13 38 34 Houston, TX Sep 9, 2009 #51 The world don't move to the beat of just one drum Derick. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Cause' it takes, different strokes, it takes, different strokes, it takes, different strokes to move my ereeectiiion.
The world don't move to the beat of just one drum Derick. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Cause' it takes, different strokes, it takes, different strokes, it takes, different strokes to move my ereeectiiion.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Sep 9, 2009 #52 Mmmm... erection
H harbes New Metal Member Aug 29, 2008 23 0 1 Sep 9, 2009 #53 harbes said: I do find it weird that the shittiest pre-mid 80's Sabbath albums always get chosen as the top 2. Click to expand... whoops forgot Technical Ecstasy and Never Say Die, that's easy to do..
harbes said: I do find it weird that the shittiest pre-mid 80's Sabbath albums always get chosen as the top 2. Click to expand... whoops forgot Technical Ecstasy and Never Say Die, that's easy to do..