Your favorite track on Catalyst


Oct 5, 2012
Paris, France
What's your favorite track on Catalyst?

Mine would be the package "Illuminatum + My Own Deception" (I really think they're not separable). I love different ambiances of the songs, how the things build up. The verse riff is just crazy and the chorus duet is really well done.

Second would be "Communion".

How about you?
At this point, my list from favorite to least-favorite would be:

1. The Ageless Heart of Memory (Best Prototype song ever, hands down)
2. The Chosen Ones
3. Cynic Dreams
4. Illuminatum/My Own Deception
5. Communion
6. Into Oblivion
7. Inceptum/Catalyst (only so low because I listened to it so much before the album came out)
8. Exiled
9. Impetus/Gravity Well (still a good song, but it just doesn't stand out as much to me as the others)
lorinc, you're correct. Illuminatum and My Own Deception are meant to be one piece of music. We split up the tracks on the CD but before mastering the album we used to refer to them together as My Own Deception. :)

The Ageless Heart of Memory, followed closely by Catalyst. Those two rank among the very best Prototype songs in my opinion. And while not a single song on the album is less than good, Exiled is probably the one I've warmed up to the least.
This is quite difficult because I like all the songs, but here goes my top 5 tracks: 1. COMMUNION - this song closes out the album perfectly/ love the guitar solo and one of Kragen's best! 2. The Ageless Heart Of Memory 3. The Chosen Ones 4.Exiled 5. Catalyst
1. The Ageless Heart of Memory
2. Catalyst
3. Communion (BEST SOLO EVER!)
4. Cynic Dreams
5. Illuminatum + My Own Deception
Prototype Forever!