Your favourite Borknagar-moment?

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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When I heard the opening-riff of "Universal" from "The Archaic Course", I was blown away. It was perfect. It is my favourite Borknagar-moment, so to say.
I would now like to hear from other Borknagar-fans; which riff/verse/etc. is THE standout "Borknagar-moment"?

(I will also like to add that I'm quite new to this forum, Borknagar and metal. And I'm 16 years old and from Norway. You're probably going to lynch me now, but almost all of my CDs are punk/hardcore. I've just recently discovered Borknagar, and I have the "Archaic Course", "Quintessence" , and "Empiricism". Oh well.)
One of my favourite moments occurs on "The Olden Domain" in "The Dawn of the End" when Garm finally sings: "Autumn-twice, Winter-thrice, River and Rock, A new kingdom rise, I close my eyes"...that's such a sublime moment.
The opening of "Tale of a pagan tongue" when Garm starts singing "The sun descended to the ground, behind the mountains in the sea etc." And there are some on the new album too. Some really stellar, cosmic moments. And Asgeir's drumming on "The Genuine pulse" Awesome!:notworthy
I like very much Garm singing: "Awakened by the hands of Autumn..........was a shadow, vague yet deep"
It's the first words from "the winterway" (The olden domain)
When I had bought this album I was singing these words while walking out in the streets, while in class at school, ...while doing... whatever... all the time!!
My favorite moment was when I saw them live for the first time at this year's Wacken Open Air! Another favorite moment was when I first heard the song "Ruins Of The Future"
Some years ago, as The Olden Domain was released... what can I
say.. I was impressed.. at first a friend bought it by 'accident' and
I borrowed it.. soon after I bought it myself. The Winterway rules!
The whole of "Colossus". That song is so damn
good it makes my body shiver just thinking
about it!! It's insane! I love everything about it!
Yessss! >:o)

It makes me feel so many things, I'm unable to
describe it. It's just one of those songs...

Pure emotion.
Originally posted by Somber Soul
One of my favourite moments occurs on "The Olden Domain" in "The Dawn of the End" when Garm finally sings: "Autumn-twice, Winter-thrice, River and Rock, A new kingdom rise, I close my eyes"...that's such a sublime moment.

Thats definitely my favourite.

But others would have to be:

A Tale of Pagan Tongue- Count the shores of the utter coast......Let us see who stands triumphant

Winter Millenium - I came from a distance in time.......the history of existence

and The Witching Hour - Spellbound I kneel down in pain
I really love Vintersorg's voice in 'Gods of my World' at the 'gather in the storms asunder......the hive of oceans' parts. It really puts a shiver down my spine at times.