your favourite lyricists?

crumbling mirth

the song remains the same
Aug 10, 2001
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i know this topic's been done before at some stage. still...

bob dylan
roger waters
tom barman
mikael akerfeldt
syd barrett
stephen malkmus
nick cave
kurt cobain

there are more...
Mark Knopfler
a dire straits fan??
dire straits are one of the few bands i loved as i was growing up and still love today
songs like "Private Investigations" and "Brothers In Arms" still hold my interest (the live versions off 'on the night')

as for lyricists....
i tend to connect with a lot of Jonas Renske's lyrics from katatonia... but i wouldnt call them art or say they were actually great lyrics,

mikeals are great, but at times can get a bit cliche (night/moon/winter/autumn/etc lots of use of the same words over and over.... ) but the lyrics are still miles above most other stuff out there

and im too tired to think now so ill stop there.
I don't pay much attention to the lyrics,
because I never seem to understand them....
So I don't have a favourite lyricist...

One of my friends is trying to get me into peotry.
I've always hated it because I don't understand
what the meaning of the words are.
"You don't have to understand it, just enjoy it"
he says and gives me some books he has filled
up with his selfwritten poems. They are cute,
and I don't get them...hehe... This annoys me!
One of my friends is trying to get me into peotry.
I've always hated it because I don't understand
what the meaning of the words are.
"You don't have to understand it, just enjoy it"
he says and gives me some books he has filled
up with his selfwritten poems. They are cute,
and I don't get them...hehe... This annoys me!

Your friend has a point. If the lyrics are artistic enough not even Dr. Freud himself can decifer them. Instead you gotta let the song paint a picture to you, listen carefully to the words and analize what they make you feel. Lets put something clear: its merely subjective but is the beauty of it. Many people have many different interpretations because everyone describes their feelings in different ways.
Mikael is great
Vintersorg (as far as Cosmic Genesis goes, as I don't understand Swedish, and despite the grammar mistakes)
Carcass (later era-Walker could fuck with words like no other)
Primordial has great lyrics
Rolling Stones
Bob Dylan
Chuck Schuldiner
Maniac moved up in my eyes after AGDOW

theres more I'm not thinking of at the moment
ok same answer again

Mikael Stanne (my fav one.. I think he's just at the top :))
3 more in no particular order..
Mikael Akerfeldt
James Hetfield
Dani Filth