Your first album

I can't remember which was the first, but I bought these tapes when I was 12: Nirvana-Nevermind, Paradise Lost-Shades of God, Desultory-Bitterness, Danzig-How the Gods Kill, and Slayer-Reign in Blood. My mom bought me the first Danzig album that year and put it in my Easter basket.
my first album was the "Deep Purple In Rock" vinyl record which was given to me by my mum. the first record I actually bought myself was "...And Justice for All", must have been about 10 I think.
Don Corleone said:
hold it!! crush was released in 2000. and you say you were 14 years old then...

The first cassette I ever stol..... I mean bought, was Def Leppard's Pyromania when I was 6 or 7. First CD I bought was Queensyrche's Operation: Mindcrime when I was 10.

My parents bought me a bunch of lame records when I was a kid though. All these Disney things, and some weird ass Pak-Man sings deal.