Your impression of another BBer

Mine is of troops.

"yeah vinny vincent is greatest thing since micahel angelo formed nitro,you know what, I really love kiss. Leave my sister alone."

:lol: @ Phloggy

Koichi: I think he got a little fed up with Iron Maiden, if the site was still up you could see the trip he took to go see them 9 times or something in Europe, he built a site, got plenty of people into Iron Maiden (including me) and they still never toured here. Plus he has his own band now as well, so maybe he just changed his priorities, I dont really know for sure...
And here's another spawny:

And at lunchtime I went to Utopia and I bought
1. Something by some band that no-ones ever heard of but the cover was good.
2. Something by some other band
3. something else by some band that some guy on the train was telling his mate was OK
4. ....
97. And a band that's really well known that noone but me likes.

And then I went to the comic store and I bought:
1. etc
And just for the hell of it, here's a Mark:

Buy a UM T-Shirt!
Buy a UM CD!
Buy a UM blanket!
Buy UM Condoms!
Buy a UM fish-warmer
Buy a UM ... umm ... piece of my toenail!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eerily enough, I bought a Dungeons and Dragons book everyone else hates but me :eek:

Your powers are beyond those of mortal men Phloggy...