

Apr 12, 2001
It looks like we will be doing a support gig with Dungeon at Bexley on the 24th November. There will be two other bands Fury and someone else.. can't remember (Tim?)

Anyway, it would be cool if some of you Sydney folk turned up. This is the first time we play in sydney.. hopefully not the last.

Cool :)
Goddamn it, where the HELL is Bexley???????? You will both do a maiden cover wont ya?? :D
Originally posted by Moon Child
Spawny, Bexley isn't far from my old school in Kingsgrove. You go up Kingsgrove Rd to Forest Rd and you keep going until you get to Bexley. It's in there somewhere. ;)

Hell of a way to get there, though. Best bet would be to head down Kingsgrove Road and then turn left onto Stoney Creek Road. The pub is on the left where it meets Forest Road, and the car park is on the right.
Finally Sydney gets to see the mighty 'Fuge! :)

Abortus are the other band on the bill on the 24th besides us, Subterfuge and Fury from Adelaide.

And yeah, we're gonna be in Canberra on the 23rd at RockApe - should be a lot of fun! RockApe is a cool venue!

From what I hear, there should be quite a crowd for the Sydney show, so you may even make just enough money for some McDonalds on the way home, Crossy! HAHA!
Sorry won't be able to make it to Bexley(it's one of my flatmates birthday and we are having a BBQ that afternoon/evening). Hopefully will try and catch you guys live sometime inthe future!

i will be coming to Canberra on Friday to see FURY and Dungeon.
Can i crash at your place again?