"this is what i wrote in the Dungeon Forum
First of all , let me take a minut to regain my breath and strength lol .... after a night like last night ...all that comes to mind is WOW . lol
To those who did Not come for one reason or another ... i just have to tell you that you MISSED out biiiiiiiiiig time ...
150+ crowd , The ultimat Lineup of bands , and the Dungeon Expreince that's Other to NON ....
i have not had this much fun in a long time , nither did those who were there , and it's all on Video ....
The shit that went on was something out of a ROCK STAR movie lol , and the moshpit went MAAADD, legs & arms all over the place ...
and here is a surprise lol , RALPH actually stage dived on top all of those who Cleared the way for him in no time lmao , and i think he got a cuple of other people on his way down , "he was in pain for the rest of the night
" and i think he promissed to never do it again lmao "Yeah Right , like we haven't heard that been said before Ralphy
" ...
Dungeon had a hell of a set , And it was FUCKING long i tell you ..
i ran out of battery for the camera , and the place was so hot and full that we had to step out every now and then for a bit of fresh air lol
The shit the went on backstage was even funnier hehe ...
and i may i add that tim might have signed a NIPPLE or 2
, one in witch i was VERY familure with lol ,and speacking of signing lol , the sign in at Metal mayhem was kinda COOL ..... they said they'll sign anything , so i brought ANYTHING along lol , and yes, they arrived late
back to the gig now .....
the drinks keept flowing as the night went , and people got louder and wireder as well , the other bands stayed behind , and was kinda cool seeing people from Vanishing point , Eye fear "who were Unreal" so was Infernal Method and Crimsonfire
, and others .....
there was practicly no place to hid away , and we had to get out of the venue to get some air ...
The guys put on one hell of a show , Starting with "the legond of huma" was something that got EVEYONE singing along and cheering , i don't think that i saw tim , dakk , nor stue in the same spot for longer than 30 seconds at a time
Stevo was EXTRA EXTRA loud and damn FAST , it's nearly hypnotising lmao ...
Once again , the good people at METAL
WARRIORS have produced a gig to REMEMBER
MetalWarriors ---- >
and now that i got home and had a good listen to the album on the way and here ,
i MUST give it 5 Fucking stars lol ,
and thu i have lots more to say and lots more to share about the things that went on , i have one hell of a Headache , andi need LOTS of rest .......
Dungeon , you guys RULE ....
and to all of those i Finally got to see in person , It was a Pleasur .
and to those who i haven't yet , Next time dungeon comes to town we'll get together ......
PS: to the ladies , it appears that i have loads of "bum" shots of the Dungeons since i was filming from back stage for a while , i didn't really pay attention to it untill i noticed my gal Flic drooling with a big smerck on her face and thanking me for taping it lol .... want to see ???? :hotjump: hehehe
Cheers .....

First of all , let me take a minut to regain my breath and strength lol .... after a night like last night ...all that comes to mind is WOW . lol
To those who did Not come for one reason or another ... i just have to tell you that you MISSED out biiiiiiiiiig time ...
150+ crowd , The ultimat Lineup of bands , and the Dungeon Expreince that's Other to NON ....
i have not had this much fun in a long time , nither did those who were there , and it's all on Video ....
The shit that went on was something out of a ROCK STAR movie lol , and the moshpit went MAAADD, legs & arms all over the place ...
and here is a surprise lol , RALPH actually stage dived on top all of those who Cleared the way for him in no time lmao , and i think he got a cuple of other people on his way down , "he was in pain for the rest of the night

Dungeon had a hell of a set , And it was FUCKING long i tell you ..
i ran out of battery for the camera , and the place was so hot and full that we had to step out every now and then for a bit of fresh air lol
The shit the went on backstage was even funnier hehe ...
and i may i add that tim might have signed a NIPPLE or 2

, one in witch i was VERY familure with lol ,and speacking of signing lol , the sign in at Metal mayhem was kinda COOL ..... they said they'll sign anything , so i brought ANYTHING along lol , and yes, they arrived late

back to the gig now .....
the drinks keept flowing as the night went , and people got louder and wireder as well , the other bands stayed behind , and was kinda cool seeing people from Vanishing point , Eye fear "who were Unreal" so was Infernal Method and Crimsonfire

there was practicly no place to hid away , and we had to get out of the venue to get some air ...
The guys put on one hell of a show , Starting with "the legond of huma" was something that got EVEYONE singing along and cheering , i don't think that i saw tim , dakk , nor stue in the same spot for longer than 30 seconds at a time

Stevo was EXTRA EXTRA loud and damn FAST , it's nearly hypnotising lmao ...
Once again , the good people at METAL

MetalWarriors ---- >

and now that i got home and had a good listen to the album on the way and here ,
i MUST give it 5 Fucking stars lol ,
and thu i have lots more to say and lots more to share about the things that went on , i have one hell of a Headache , andi need LOTS of rest .......
Dungeon , you guys RULE ....
and to all of those i Finally got to see in person , It was a Pleasur .
and to those who i haven't yet , Next time dungeon comes to town we'll get together ......
PS: to the ladies , it appears that i have loads of "bum" shots of the Dungeons since i was filming from back stage for a while , i didn't really pay attention to it untill i noticed my gal Flic drooling with a big smerck on her face and thanking me for taping it lol .... want to see ???? :hotjump: hehehe
Cheers .....