Dungeon in Melbourne ... WOW


Aug 26, 2001
Melbourne , Australia , Supremacy
"this is what i wrote in the Dungeon Forum :D"

First of all , let me take a minut to regain my breath and strength lol .... after a night like last night ...all that comes to mind is WOW . lol
To those who did Not come for one reason or another ... i just have to tell you that you MISSED out biiiiiiiiiig time ...
150+ crowd , The ultimat Lineup of bands , and the Dungeon Expreince that's Other to NON ....
i have not had this much fun in a long time , nither did those who were there , and it's all on Video ....
The shit that went on was something out of a ROCK STAR movie lol , and the moshpit went MAAADD, legs & arms all over the place ...
and here is a surprise lol , RALPH actually stage dived on top all of those who Cleared the way for him in no time lmao , and i think he got a cuple of other people on his way down , "he was in pain for the rest of the night :rolleyes: " and i think he promissed to never do it again lmao "Yeah Right , like we haven't heard that been said before Ralphy :lol: " ...
Dungeon had a hell of a set , And it was FUCKING long i tell you ..
i ran out of battery for the camera , and the place was so hot and full that we had to step out every now and then for a bit of fresh air lol
The shit the went on backstage was even funnier hehe ...
and i may i add that tim might have signed a NIPPLE or 2 ;) hehe
, one in witch i was VERY familure with lol ,and speacking of signing lol , the sign in at Metal mayhem was kinda COOL ..... they said they'll sign anything , so i brought ANYTHING along lol , and yes, they arrived late :p ....
back to the gig now .....
the drinks keept flowing as the night went , and people got louder and wireder as well , the other bands stayed behind , and was kinda cool seeing people from Vanishing point , Eye fear "who were Unreal" so was Infernal Method and Crimsonfire
:eek: , and others .....
there was practicly no place to hid away , and we had to get out of the venue to get some air ...
The guys put on one hell of a show , Starting with "the legond of huma" was something that got EVEYONE singing along and cheering , i don't think that i saw tim , dakk , nor stue in the same spot for longer than 30 seconds at a time :lol:
Stevo was EXTRA EXTRA loud and damn FAST , it's nearly hypnotising lmao ...
Once again , the good people at METAL :rock: WARRIORS have produced a gig to REMEMBER :yow: .
MetalWarriors ---- > :notworthy ...
and now that i got home and had a good listen to the album on the way and here ,
i MUST give it 5 Fucking stars lol ,
and thu i have lots more to say and lots more to share about the things that went on , i have one hell of a Headache , andi need LOTS of rest .......
Dungeon , you guys RULE ....
and to all of those i Finally got to see in person , It was a Pleasur .
and to those who i haven't yet , Next time dungeon comes to town we'll get together ......
PS: to the ladies , it appears that i have loads of "bum" shots of the Dungeons since i was filming from back stage for a while , i didn't really pay attention to it untill i noticed my gal Flic drooling with a big smerck on her face and thanking me for taping it lol .... want to see ???? :hotjump: hehehe
Cheers .....

Just read it there hehe.

Great night! And I got to catch up with Ralphe, Blitzy, Sydo, and of course the Dungeon boys! It rocked! Ralphe's stage dive was hilarious too hehe. Don't jump straight for an empty space! :lol:

Oh and Crimsonfire were so good.... the singer is VERY VERY Bruce Dickinson like!

And Dungeon..... CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED RULED! :rock:

Great show!
Both Crimsonfire and Eyefear were surprisingly good. Really, REALLY good. :)
I'm not huge on Eyefear's music, but Danny is amazing and really carries the band well I think.

He has the ultimate voice, but also an amazingly strong presence. You're drawn into every single word he sings, waiting to see what he'll do next, anticipating the next big scream... he is one of a kind. I wouldn't buy any of their albums I don't think because the music bores me, but whenever I see them play I can't take my eyes off the stage because Danny is just so amazing. The 2nd last song had a great intro with him holding those "woah" notes then finishing with a huuuuuuuuge scream before the verse started hehe. And "Beyond" is always a killer song with a really catchy chorus.

Crimsonfire were great! Really really clean, tight sound too!
i agree with there mate ...
but i like there timing , it's very interesting , i don't like the guitar sound at all , and it seems like he trys not to play a whole riff , nor keep a note sustained for longer than 5 seconds :confused:

Dani's Voice is truly amazing , whe we first saw them with dungeon at Et's we were like :OMG:
but i must say , he's lost LOTS of whight , like he wasn't fat or anything before , but you could still tell that he's lost more than he should have ... hope it's not due to sickness or something bad ....
Over all , they are Unreal .....
Originally posted by The Trooper

Great night! And I got to catch up with Ralphe, Blitzy, Sydo, and of course the Dungeon boys! It rocked! Ralphe's stage dive was hilarious too hehe. Don't jump straight for an empty space! :lol:

I'm sure the space wasn't empty when i dived but everyone moved pretty quick to get out of the way!Can't really blame them for not wanting to catch someone my size:grin:
Anyway,the back is still sore but i think i will be okay!
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
I agree with you on Eyefear Troops. Not that great a band overall, but fucking amazing vocals! :eek:

I'd love to have seen Pegazus live back when he was singing for them, would've been great to see him live in a more Manowar/Priest setting I think. Lots of those huge screams! The one he does at the end of "Metal Forever" is simply amazing!