Melbourne meet n grumble


Apr 15, 2001
For those of you who aren't interested we had a meet n grumble on Tuesday night in the City. It was a ' meet the IronCross session ' with much Maiden complaining and comments on the continued decline of the Music industry.

The only real positive was Dungeon with their quality Maiden covers. Oh yeah and the planned Rock In Rio DVD later this year, much drool was expelled over this... :)

To put the night in perspective, it was a cold dark windy - typical melbourne night.:goggly:
Originally posted by Los4words
The only real positive was Dungeon with their quality Maiden covers.

Wow, you guys should get out more if you have to resort to talking about us! HAHAHAHA!

Speaking of Melbourne and quality (???) Maiden covers, we'll be back down there in our 2nd home on August 31... It'd be cool to all meet up for an alcoholic beverage or two!
Robbo mate... you have to come to the next meet and greet! I would've told you about it on IRC but i only found out that morning heh.

Dungeon back down here... that will be the next Melbourne meet and greet! August 31st, keep that free! And we'll meet up with Rob and Tim also.

And its my turn to buy the next jug hehe.
I'm a bit of a regular at E.T.'s lately as a mate of mine is Singer for a band with regular gig there.

For those who don't know it, small place with stage and standing area (prob holds 200 - 300 max? dunno really) it's pretty small.

I mostly drink bourbon which is $5 a hit (ouch). I think beer prices are pretty normal. I bought a few light's when driving once - i think $3 for a Fosters Light ice and $4.50 for a Carlton Draught (me favourite). They *usually* do a happy hour for early birds - 9:00 - 9:30 half price.

August 31st - wow, should be awesome and go right off!

DEFINATELY OUR NEXT MEET N GREET - be no grumbles then :)

When is the new album going to be out ?
Damn! One day we're gonna play somewhere they sell cheap bourbon! :mad: Time for the old JD in the gig-bag trick! :D

The new album is taking longer to get together than we thought - we were hoping to have it out later this year but the way things are looking, it'd get caught up in the Xmas rush by the time it was out, so realistically I'd say Feb 2002... But don't quote me on that! HAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim
Actually, Sydo, you may be interested in this - we may be over your way in Geelong the next night too... That's still being worked out though...

What's the bar / band scene like there?

Bar / band / beer scene is average. Only one place ever really has metal - The Barwon Club. Great place actually. If you guys did come and play BC's - I'd be there for sure! :)

I really think I should make my way up to Melbourne for a night out.

I'll have to try and fit August 31st into my schedule ( :lol: like that'll be hard!)
Originally posted by The Trooper
Robbo mate... you have to come to the next meet and greet! I would've told you about it on IRC but i only found out that morning heh.

Dungeon back down here... that will be the next Melbourne meet and greet! August 31st, keep that free! And we'll meet up with Rob and Tim also.

And its my turn to buy the next jug hehe.

Ah not to worry, I'll be at the next one for sure! There's no way I'm missing a Dungeon gig. :) Can you buy pots/jugs at ET's?

Oh yeah, all in Melb should come and see Enter Twilight, Maladiction, Vanishing Point and Kymera at the Esplanade Hotel on Friday night. It'll rock, and is VP's last gig before they go overseas. I'll be working there in some capacity, probably on the door, so if you see a 22yo guy with long blonde hair and a beard, give me a shout. :D
Definitely say Hi to they guys for me and wish them well!

Also, let us know what Kymera's like! We're playing with them at the ET's gig (along with Sanity's Cage and Eyefear) and I'm pretty keen to hear their stuff! Good to see Cory from P*****s in a real band for a change! :lol:

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those reflected by any member of Dungeon, especially if word of this post makes it back to the band previously alluded to! HAHAHAHA!
Hahaha I like that!

I've heard that Kymera are pretty good....from a guy who tried out for em. Fairly simplistic, but cool. Apparently. Well I guess I'll find out for myself on Freitag.

Shit, sounds like a good gig you've got yourself there at ET's, Timmae! ;)