your 'odd one(s) out' albums???


Oct 18, 2002
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what are some albums and artists that you have that you almost never hear/see anyone talk about them?? like, they fit into your collection, but you rarely/never hear anyone mentioning them. there are a few for me:

Atrocity- Longing For Death. over the past year that i've been on metal message boards, i have only seen maybe one thread that they were mentioned, other than when i'd ask about them. but it's a damn good album.

Buzzov-en - Sore and At a Loss. great southern metal/sludge band. i have never heard anyone talk about this band. and only one record store had even heard of them. i have talked to maybe one or two people tah had heard of them. but they were from the area where the band hailed from. no one knows if they are still around.

The Elysian Fields- 12 Ablaze. black/doom metal band from Greece. great band. i'm after their first album, now. actually found about them by accident. a local CD store ordered this CD, thinking it was the other band by the same name. the owner listened to it, and realized that it wasn't who he thought it was, and told me that it was music that i liked. so i listened to it, and i was happy. :)

Iron Monkey- Our Problem. i know some people like tehm, but i haven't heard tehm talked about a lot.

Brutal Juice- Mutilation Makes Identification Difficult. not to durprised, though. metal/indie band rom god who knows where. i heard they were good from some reviews i read, and i found the disc used damn cheap, so i bought it. it's pretty good. *NOTE* i said Brutal JUICE, not Brutal Truth.

Cemetary- A Pale Shade of Grey. found in a used store, it was cheap, heard it was decent, listened to it, bought it.

actually, i found out about these bands just browsing .
Invocator - Excursion Demise - Thrash metal legends from the early 90's who have some of big name members such as, Per Jensen (now The Haunted's drummer) Jesper Jensen (bass) yet I have only ever encountered one person who really has ever listened to them. But they have just reformed although with a new line up the original vocalist is still there, so maybe they will be a little bigger this time around.

Gorefest - Mindloss - An excellent technical death metal band from the mid 90's, who had a bit more of an original sound to them. I have found a few people who have heard them but only 1 out of about 5 who like them.

Afterworld - Dark Side Of Mind - Never met a single person who has heard of Afterworld, I love them they have a catchy sound and some nice vocals.
I think that should be "Sportlov"( I've got their mcd "Snöbollskrieg", limited 500 copies!!)... It's a Swedish black/humor metal band featering members from Dark Funeral, F.K.Ü and Diskonto...some of the funniest lyrics I've ever heard and it's still really good black metal...
I guess Raydio's "S/T" LP. It's a funk band from the 70's with Ray Parker Jr. (the guy who did the Ghostbusters song). I have loads of 70's funk records, but I don't really know anyone who knows this band, unless I've played it for them.
I have Afterworld "Connecting Animals" but to be honest, I don't find them that good :p


Sarepta (deathmetal, melodic, quite good, not that brutal in sound , but more interesting than some better known bands :p )

my beloved and adored Godgory :worship: :worship: they're my best buy-by-chance ever; I'm so glad I did it, I have no words for my bliss :D

Legenda dark, symphonic, atmosphere creating; strange voice (sort of screaming, but it sounds so.... hm a sore throat :lol: )

Yearning very strange mix of atmosphere, experimental, ambient?, deep vocals (some songs are extremely impressing), ok sometimes the voice is pure pathos too... :p

Alastis dark, dark, dark :) melodic, interesting lyrics

there are so many others :rolleyes: I wish I liked more commonly known bands, it'd make it a lot easier to get albums and stuff. but damn, I find so many of those just plain boring run-of-the-mill, and their music doesn't trigger off anything in me. it leaves me cold. that's the main problem :s
This would be soooo much easier if I was at home looking at my CD's!! Anyway...

Godgory-Resurrection. I saw one dude on here that loved this record, and props to him...but this is a very thick, well constructed Swedish melodic DM record that Nukie Blast release a few years ago that seemingly just got overlooked. A damn shame, too.

The first Borknagar record (self titled). I never hear anyone talk about this one!! I love it. Brutal as all hell.

Left Hand Solution-Fevered. Like a female fronted My Dying Bride. Cool stuff. Another hidden Nukie release.

Pungent Stench-EVERYTHING!! LOL!! I know I've seen a couple people post on here about them, but here in Minneapolis/St. Paul, I dunno of anyone that likes them!! Fucking great, hilarious band.

Geezer-Black Science. I really dig this record. Clark Brown's vocals are just fucking great. I would love to hear more of him singing, with a real aggressive, upbeat band.
I find Pungent Stench are still pretty well talked about and advertised even here in the uk must just be where I live.

As for Afterworld, I guess they are not every ones cup of tea. I slowly got into them, at first I wasn't overly impressed but it kinder grew on me after a while.

One band I don't hear mentioned any more is Yattering, fucking amazing grind/death mix also a great live band.
Arcane Sun
The Chasm
Golden Dawn
Love History
Pan Thy Monium
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
Invocator - Excursion Demise - Thrash metal legends from the early 90's who have some of big name members such as, Per Jensen (now The Haunted's drummer) Jesper Jensen (bass) yet I have only ever encountered one person who really has ever listened to them. But they have just reformed although with a new line up the original vocalist is still there, so maybe they will be a little bigger this time around.

yahhhhhhh :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: INVOCATORRRRRRRRR!!!!
Good to see some one still remembers the thrash legends. :headbang:

Still hear a lot about Impaled and Autopsy and I've spoken to a few who know Arcane Sun.

Best place I find for people to talk to about half these bands mentioned is Yahoo's metal:2 chat room although ya have to deal with a few poseurs, there are quite a few who know their music. Also had a few big band members in there like Ruben from Devourment.

Another band I'll mention is Sanctus a black metal band who took Goatwhore's approach to black metal, with heavy brutal music and ear shattering screams.
Originally posted by DEEK

Cemetary- A Pale Shade of Grey. found in a used store, it was cheap, heard it was decent, listened to it, bought it.

That would be An Evil Shade of Grey, their first album I believe. Not bad, actually, pretty decent Swedish death metal. You're right, nobody talks about this one, or the band for that matter. I think they changed their name to Sundown or something like that.

My list:
Candlemass - Chapter VI
I like this one a lot. Doesn't have the same flavor as earlier Candlemass albums, but I listen to it once in a while and still enjoy it a fair bit.

Defender - They Came Over the High Pass
1999 release. Epic power/traditional metal with a focus on instrumental passages and melody.

Internal Void - Standing on the Sun
Probably the best of the pure Sabbath worship bands. Fantastic guitarist.

Manilla Road
These guys defined epic power metal, in my opinion, and they did it before 1985.

Memento Mori
None other than Messiah Marcolin on vocals. Supergroup, of sorts. Very technical, yet accessible. Somewhat dark and doomy in spots.

Awesome doomdeath from Poland. Not so great with the English, but that's highly overrated anyway...

Opthalamia - Via Dolorosa
Probably a good reason for this one. This CD sucks (IMO). I should get rid of it....

Praying Mantis
NWOBHM legends. Then again, nobody talks about the old bands anymore, unfortunately...

The Obsessed
Wino's pre- and post-St. Vitus doom outfit.

Probably my favorite Swedish death metal band. Ancient God of Evil is godly. All hail Unanimated!!!

Wardog - Scorched Earth
True metal from AZ. Not sure if they're still around.
Originally posted by St. Vitus
That would be An Evil Shade of Grey, their first album I believe. Not bad, actually, pretty decent Swedish death metal. You're right, nobody talks about this one, or the band for that matter. I think they changed their name to Sundown or something like that.

oh yea. oops :( don't know why i said 'A Pale' instead. and, yea, it is a good CD. and yes, it is their first CD.