your opinion about these bands

chaos ad rules josh...roots has some cool moments, but I don't like them today.
Ectoplasma said:
1) sepultura
2) angra
3) krisiun

1. Never was a huge fan of Sepultura but i do like a few select songs like Dead Embryonic Cells, Kaiowas, Territory, Roots Bloody Roots, etc. One of the coolest things I ever saw was this big drum jam they did with guys they were on tour with at the March Metal Meltdown in 1999. Never liked their new singer though.

2. I saw them at Progpower last year and musically they are awesome power metal. I love their guitarists. Their old signer was good if a bit wimpy but their new signer is awful live and was going out of tune like there was no tomorrow. But maybe he is good on the album?

3 and 4. I haven't listened to much from either Krisiun or the kovenant but i think there was a song i liked by the kovenant a couple years ago. dunno.
Demonspell said:
Tying the original NIB to the original post, Sepultura's cover of Symptom was the last decent thing they ever did.
I'd like to see MOTW try their hand at a more obscure Sab song...any suggestions?

Air Dance
Also the Type O Negative cover of Paranoid (from the re-release of "the origin of the feces"), which sounds completely different from the original in virtually all aspects and actually mixes the Iron Man riff in midway through, is quite cool.