Your opinion on the Libyan conflict

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Just curious to see what everyone's stance is on it, if you even have a stance on it.

Personally, I think the US should expedite its departure and put the onus on the rest of NATO, seeing as how it directly affects them. NATO enforcing a no-fly zone when Gaddhafi has no aircraft left sounds like NATO's SOP, but it's looking like once again the US is going to shoulder most of the heavy lifting.

On top of all that, the Arab League has done shitto in this entire ordeal besides giving their blessing, which is typical.
:lol: @ this kind of thread. I'll discuss politics in a more fitting environment, thanks.
Well, to be honest there's not a better environment than this board, actually. It's full of very diverse people from different backgrounds and points of view. Not everything here is a food least most of the time.
Well, to be honest, the people here that are legally consenting adults probably have other reasons for coming here. Besides, when is the last time anyone here wrote to a governor (or whoever represents you,) participated in local/state elections, sat in on local board meetings, or got into contact with a locally elected official? Probably never. I'll keep my opinions to those that are actually active (not saying all of you are inactive.) What's the point of blathering about my opinions to people that could probably not care less anyways? I mean it's everyone's individual choice to get involved or otherwise, I judge no one regardless. I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for. I know it wasn't your intent and I'm not mocking you for it, I just think politics belong elsewhere.
Well, to be honest, the people here that are legally consenting adults probably have other reasons for coming here. Besides, when is the last time anyone here wrote to a governor (or whoever represents you,) participated in local/state elections, sat in on local board meetings, or got into contact with a locally elected official? Probably never. I'll keep my opinions to those that are actually active (not saying all of you are inactive.) What's the point of blathering about my opinions to people that could probably not care less anyways? I mean it's everyone's individual choice to get involved or otherwise, I judge no one regardless. I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for. I know it wasn't your intent and I'm not mocking you for it, I just think politics belong elsewhere.
woah there, so you have to be on a first name basis with your congressman to have a simple opinion about america joining another conflict? hmmm, i dont think there are many chefs in the food threads, or but 1 or 2 music producers/professional band members around here giving their proper expert critiques in the music threads. guess we better shut the forum down cause only people who actually do something get to comment on it! come on man, thats crazy, relax.

btw checked out that first Acid Witch album, and in my non-credentialed amateur opinion, it rocks :kickass:
it would be beyond awesome to see an entire desert turn to glass, shit would be fucking INTENSE. too bad i'll never get to see that or if somehow i did that would mean the world is pretty much in a situation where it's fucked.
I don't want a blunder like Iraq so I am reluctant to support ground invasion. Arm the opposition to Ghaddafi and limit western attacks to airstrikes (if necessary). It might be a problem since the opposition is neither very experienced nor trained in military activities and disorganized from what I've heard.

Or could they just divide the country into two.. east and west? It seems that people are supporting Ghaddafi in the west but maybe it's a propaganda trick or people opposing him are reluctant and afraid to step up and show their opinion...
Well, to be honest, the people here that are legally consenting adults probably have other reasons for coming here. Besides, when is the last time anyone here wrote to a governor (or whoever represents you,) participated in local/state elections, sat in on local board meetings, or got into contact with a locally elected official? Probably never. I'll keep my opinions to those that are actually active (not saying all of you are inactive.) What's the point of blathering about my opinions to people that could probably not care less anyways? I mean it's everyone's individual choice to get involved or otherwise, I judge no one regardless. I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for. I know it wasn't your intent and I'm not mocking you for it, I just think politics belong elsewhere.

didn't you mail some senator about guns
Well, to be honest, the people here that are legally consenting adults probably have other reasons for coming here. Besides, when is the last time anyone here wrote to a governor (or whoever represents you,) participated in local/state elections, sat in on local board meetings, or got into contact with a locally elected official? Probably never. I'll keep my opinions to those that are actually active (not saying all of you are inactive.) What's the point of blathering about my opinions to people that could probably not care less anyways? I mean it's everyone's individual choice to get involved or otherwise, I judge no one regardless. I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for. I know it wasn't your intent and I'm not mocking you for it, I just think politics belong elsewhere.

That's like saying that I can speak about the war because I served in the military for 9 years but you can't because you didn't. That's exactly what the retarded right did after the disaster in Japan. "This is not the time or place to have a serious discussion about nuclear energy!" Well, actually it's the perfect time. Politics aren't sacrosanct. Politics belong in any forum, if you'll excuse the pun.
:lol: mk. My point was, it's useless discussing opinions with people that aren't willing to do anything about them anyways.

"I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for"
Lots of people here come from lots of different backgrounds and have different points of would be foolish to write them off as forum spammers, especially with all the politically charged debates that have gone on in the past here. Everything from gun control to war to elections to the legalization of marijuana to corporatism has been covered before and, to be honest, people here ARE quite involved in social and political programs, whether they're simply writing they're congressmen, serving in the military, participating in political rallies, or simply just getting the message out.

If anything, this forum runs the gamut of experience of all kinds. Karen is a former Israeli soldier who is very politically active, I served in Iraq and decided to stay abroad instead of returning to the US, Captain, neal, and Kriggy are very pro-gun and are strong proponents of The Second Amendment, Kevin and Brooks have very liberal views while Lynn is typically quite conservative, and derek is a very learned individual living abroad who has very interesting and well-articulated views on just about any subject you can think of. On almost any hot-button topic, all of these people (and everyone else) regularly give their opinions which are usually based on first-hand experience.

There's a wealth of information coming from this forum; it's definitely head and shoulders above anything you'd find on any news organization site. I can remember on several occasions news popping up in this forum even before it hit mainstream sites.
Well, to be honest, the people here that are legally consenting adults probably have other reasons for coming here. Besides, when is the last time anyone here wrote to a governor (or whoever represents you,) participated in local/state elections, sat in on local board meetings, or got into contact with a locally elected official? Probably never. I'll keep my opinions to those that are actually active (not saying all of you are inactive.) What's the point of blathering about my opinions to people that could probably not care less anyways? I mean it's everyone's individual choice to get involved or otherwise, I judge no one regardless. I'd just rather save my breath for others that want to join me in my fight, not get into pointless internet arguments which threads like this absolutely beg for. I know it wasn't your intent and I'm not mocking you for it, I just think politics belong elsewhere.

I haven't written the governor yet, but I've done all those other things many times. Celebrate freedom of speech! That's why this board is awesome!

I just wish the killing would stop. We are retards for jumping in the fray, as we are trillions of dollars in debt already. We need to help our citizens, there are so many dying from preventable causes, etc.