Your Recording/Gig Setup


Alabama Man
Jan 30, 2005
Berkeley, CA
I don't think we've discussed what a lot of people here use for recording, so if you do any recording then post your recording setup! I probably have the most basic setup there is as far as recording. Guitar --> Floor Processor --> Computer Sound Card, and I record with an old-ass version of Sonar.

Also, if you have a live setup let's hear about it. One of my buddy's band uses an ipod to control the click and the samples, while another uses laptops and midi controllers, and another one uses a straight up CD player (which skips sometimes I've heard). I was contemplating the whole laptop/midi controller idea, but if there is a better way to *not* bring an extra $1,000 of gear to a club then I'm all ears! :cool:
For Recording I run my guitar to an NS2 into my VHT Pittbull into a modified Randall ISO Cab into a Roland VS2480. If I'm just writing or demoing stuff I'll use a POD XT.

Live I use guitar(usually an RG w/EMGs) into a TS9 and an NS2 into the VHT. I have a Marshall 412 with 75 watt celestions.
Guitar Rig:

EBMM Petrucci Signature
Epiphone Les Paul w/ EMG's (2)
Various Jacksons (3) and Ibanzes (2)

Peavey 6505
Rocktron Voodu Valve Pre
Rocktron Chameleon 2000 Pre (for live gigs)
Carvin 600 DCM Power Amp

Carvin Legacy w/ Greenbacks
Ampeg 4 X 12" (for live gigs)

Recording Rig:

AMD Athlon 2.5 gHz
512 megs RAM
M Audio Delta 1010
Shitty Mic Pre's not worth mentioning

You can hear this shit in action at either of the links in my signature.
Recording setup Eletric Guitars:
Jackson V or Kelly w/EMG 81 and 85's--->Efects: Fender tuner, Morley Volume and Wah, Digitech Processor/Modeler, Boss Digital Delay--->Randall Amp---> Behringer Cab---> Shure instrument Mic.---> Better than Life Studio's Digital equipment:Behringer Eurodesk, Computer with various tools including Pro Tracks and Sound Forge, and 4 ADATs.

Recording setup Accoustic Guitars:
Fender 12-string Acoustic/Electric Mic'ed directly with Shure inst. mic and pugged into---> Behringer Acoustic amp with a shit ton of cool acoustic effects---> Better than Life Studio's Digital equipment:Behringer Eurodesk, Computer with various tools including Pro Tracks and Sound Forge, and 4 ADATs.

Live setup Eletric Guitars:
Jackson V or Kelly w/EMG 81 and 85's--->Efects: Fender tuner, Morley Volume and Wah, Digitech Processor/Modeler, Boss Digital Delay--->Randall Amp---> Behringer Cab---> Shure instrument Mic.---> House PA

Live Setup Accoustic Guitars:
Fender 12-string Acoustic/Electric on Gracy performer stand pugged into---> Behringer Acoustic amp with a shit ton of cool acoustic effects---> House PA

We only really use samples for intro and we just play it directly from the keyboard, or give the sound man a CD.
Recording setup:
Either my ibanez frank gambale model or my 1527. 7 string---Into a Powerball with a t.c. electronics g-force in the loop into a standard 4x12 engl cab. This is recorded with a sm57 mic wich goes into an avalon mic pre that goes into a recording interface and then into my computer. I use Cubase xs for recording and cutting.

Live rig: Same guitars into same amp with same effects in loop into same cab, only thing is that i use a behringer fcb1010 midi floorboard wich is set up in a special way with an engl midi interface so that my behringer board both controls the amp and effects and switches patches on both at the same time( Powerball doesn't have patches of course but i mean amp channel switchhing, open focused etc.)
dream777 said:
Recording setup:
Either my ibanez frank gambale model or my 1527. 7 string---Into a Powerball with a t.c. electronics g-force in the loop into a standard 4x12 engl cab. This is recorded with a sm57 mic wich goes into an avalon mic pre that goes into a recording interface and then into my computer. I use Cubase xs for recording and cutting.

Live rig: Same guitars into same amp with same effects in loop into same cab, only thing is that i use a behringer fcb1010 midi floorboard wich is set up in a special way with an engl midi interface so that my behringer board both controls the amp and effects and switches patches on both at the same time( Powerball doesn't have patches of course but i mean amp channel switchhing, open focused etc.)

I'm jealous. :dopey:
Do you have any recordings we can hear? I'm curious to hear that stuff in action.
Trevor Lane said:
Recording setup Eletric Guitars:
Jackson V or Kelly w/EMG 81 and 85's--->Efects: Fender tuner, Morley Volume and Wah, Digitech Processor/Modeler, Boss Digital Delay--->Randall Amp---> Behringer Cab---> Shure instrument Mic.---> Better than Life Studio's Digital equipment:Behringer Eurodesk, Computer with various tools including Pro Tracks and Sound Forge, and 4 ADATs.

Recording setup Accoustic Guitars:
Fender 12-string Acoustic/Electric Mic'ed directly with Shure inst. mic and pugged into---> Behringer Acoustic amp with a shit ton of cool acoustic effects---> Better than Life Studio's Digital equipment:Behringer Eurodesk, Computer with various tools including Pro Tracks and Sound Forge, and 4 ADATs.

Live setup Eletric Guitars:
Jackson V or Kelly w/EMG 81 and 85's--->Efects: Fender tuner, Morley Volume and Wah, Digitech Processor/Modeler, Boss Digital Delay--->Randall Amp---> Behringer Cab---> Shure instrument Mic.---> House PA

Live Setup Accoustic Guitars:
Fender 12-string Acoustic/Electric on Gracy performer stand pugged into---> Behringer Acoustic amp with a shit ton of cool acoustic effects---> House PA

We only really use samples for intro and we just play it directly from the keyboard, or give the sound man a CD.

You can see a full diagram of my live electric set up here