Your screen name


May 2, 2005
Since everybody though I was all about the white power it got me thinking. How did you all come up with your screen names.

I was in a radio shack years ago and I picked up a megaphone and started doing the Inninois Nazi bit from blues brothers. "White men....White woman....the swaztika is calling you....the jews are using the blacks as muscle against you. What are you going to do about it...whitey?"

Anyway, a friend and I were talking about that literally the night before I signed up and hence the "whitey" I don't recall why I picked the numbers.
My name is Danny Dunford Jr.

Danny Jr. = D.J.
Shorten the pronunciation from DeeJay to Deege.
Seeing as you're from Ohio, I would've guessed your proper Appalachian name would've been Dun For, as in "Yer right dun for."
I'm from Kentucky and have fried may a brain cells. Been using KY_Fried as a screen name since the early 90s. Added the 442 on here for obvious reasons.
I'm sufferer which means "one who suffers". Hell I live in central Florida where English is a second language so I suffer to communicate. Oh yeah I had shitty parents too so I'm condemned to be miserable but that's OK I love being here for so long!:tickled:
First name is Tim (some mates call me Timmy), and last name starts with C. Pretty boring really!
I've been called Johnnie since the high school cos there were three guys with the same name (Jan) and the rest of the folks probably felt like they had to differ us somehow. Czech is obvious.
My first name starts with a T and when I used to sign my name I just used to put a giant "T".... Big T was the first thing most people called me (And some still do) but it evolved about 10+ years ago to T-man.... The 357 part should be quite obvious, but for those who can't see it lets just say I have an over the top, outrageous love of guns. :yow:
My last name is Seashore, which is quite...... not metal. Hence my metal moniker was born. Been using it on the web (and to occasionally promote/produce metal shows in town as Seastorm Entertainment) since about 2004.
i was a real hardcore anthrax band when i joined the board,couldnt think of anything better at the time,i much prefer my name on other anthrax board,austhrax.
YOYOMOSHMAN is absolutely ridiculous, i know, but is the only name i think when i create my account... from YOYO, my usual nickname (for Johann), MOSH for you know why and MAN 'cause i'm !