Your screen name

I worked at a sports radio station for a show called "The Sports Gods". Since Mike Piazza is a big metal fan, he was once on the show as a guest, and is a huge metal fan, he saw my Stomp 442 mad-driver shirt and he said, "Dude, you're the anthraxgod". Hence the name.
When I first signed up in 01-02 whenever it was, I had just gained custody of my son, and was on my own. So I tried to pick a Anthrax song that fit my situation. Then over the years, I forgot my sign in info, so I just kept re-signing up, hence onemanstandsthrax, then the current form onemanstandsthrax11. If I knew how to get it back to my original onemanstands, I would. But for now this is who I am.
My nick is from a time when WarCraft was still cool. There was an orc-hero in part 2 called "Korgath Bladefist". Since my real name is "Carsten" i merged that into "Cargath". I don't play many computer games anymore and WoW destroyed the WarCraft universe for me, but i still use that name because it sounds cool and no one else uses it. But since WoW i try not to tell anyone where the name comes from, because everyone instantly thinks i'm a geek :D
My nick is from a time when WarCraft was still cool. There was an orc-hero in part 2 called "Korgath Bladefist". Since my real name is "Carsten" i merged that into "Cargath". I don't play many computer games anymore and WoW destroyed the WarCraft universe for me, but i still use that name because it sounds cool and no one else uses it. But since WoW i try not to tell anyone where the name comes from, because everyone instantly thinks i'm a geek :D
One has to appreciate my simplicity in it all. My first name is Ian. 442 refers to Stomp 442 and for us US muscle car buffs the Oldsmobile 4-4-2.
I had just picked up Down II and was listening to it while reading blabbermouth, I wanted to respond to a post, and that song just happened to be on. Its not even one of my favorite songs.

I had another name on the ultimate metal forums, but I forgot my password, I wanted to use C11H17N2O2SNa but I can't remember if it was taken or I couldn't use it so I just used the one I had for blabbermouth.

and I rarely post or come here anymore because I'm sick of all the people who bash the Bush era, but thats another topic.
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I found it to be an interesting read. I don't take it as the metal bible though.

I was half-joking. I bought his book 'Everybody Wants Some' about Van Halen years ago. The first part of the book was great, but after that it became clear that he is completely biased against Sammy Hagar. When I read a book about a band, I don't want to read the authors opinions about the band, I want facts. That's why I wont support him anymore.