Your take on "If I did it..."

well, sanity kicked in and the TV show was cancelled, if i'm not mistaken.
If I did it and got away with it and all the supposed experts were spreading lies about my perfectly masterminded crime...I'd write a "fictional":rolleyes: If I did it too...Then I'd do the T.V. special..And finish things up with an "If I did It" Q&A Tour charging an insane amount of money for people to come and ask me how I did it, insult me, whatever!!! As long as the cash register kept overflowing what would I care!!!
OJ has got a set on him if he thinks we would have bought the "If I did it" crap. Everytime I have started a sentence with "If I did..." I was lying and eventually busted.
"If I did cheat on you..."
"If I did steal that..."
"If I were speeding..."
"If I did beat him..."

You get the point. I live in Upstate New York where every Buffalo Bills fan viewed him as royalty. Even we know that prick got away with it.
Sorry but I'm still trapped in 1995.

I'm still sittin in front of a TV where OJ puts on a black glove, holds his hand high so everyone can see him, and several lawyers begin shouting, "It doesn't fit! The glove doesn't fit!" all while he was, well, wearing it...

Kind of a surreal moment, and I haven't quite gotten over it.

Sorry but I'm still trapped in 1995.

I'm still sittin in front of a TV where OJ puts on a black glove, holds his hand high so everyone can see him, and several lawyers begin shouting, "It doesn't fit! The glove doesn't fit!" all while he was, well, wearing it...

Kind of a surreal moment, and I haven't quite gotten over it.


That is something that pisses me off too. WTF are they talking about "It doesn't fit!"? Looks like it fits to me.
I'm not a die hard fan of his either, as I stated I happen to agree with him on "some" issues. If you recall this guy used to anchor Inside Edition which has more in common with The Enquirer than CNN...

I hear ya. I have agreed and disagreed with him myself. Shit, I remember when he was on ESPN. Anyway, the only reason I put that last post up was to bust Dr. Teeth's balls. In a good way of course...:saint:
I hear ya. I have agreed and disagreed with him myself. Shit, I remember when he was on ESPN. Anyway, the only reason I put that last post up was to bust Dr. Teeth's balls. In a good way of course...:saint:

I hear you. This place is good friendly violent fun... Like let's say in and old school mosh pit. It's all good. A bruise here and there hasn't killed anyone...