Your thoughts on Freak Kitchen?

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Damn! I checked these guys out after seeing the "freak guitar" vid by Mattias Eklundh. All I have to say is:

If this is pop/rock, then screw metal! :Spin:

But seriously, these guys have some serious talent. The songs are stuck in my head all day, and the tongue-in-cheek humour is just great! So catchy, and so simple, though it has just enough elements of progressiveness for my liking. I think I should feel stupid listening to this around my metalhead friends, but instead I try and get them to get into it. And the weird thing is, I've even had some of them say that they wish that this was the kind of stuff MTV was playing. I can't disagree.

Anyone like these guys?
I have their latest album Move but personally I don't like them. Some songs are ok, nothing more. It sounds too much as high school rock for me, but I must admit. They have some talent and the fact that they put in some really weird solos and riffing in the songs make them more talented than any nu metal band. Altough I always get the feeling of listening to 8-bits Nintendo music when listening to them, don't know why.

The guitarist is on the other hand a very strange man. They played in my home town a couple of months ago and he had all kinds of dildos and strap ons attached to his body and was playing with a dildo in his hand. This was really retareded
I find their songs to be just okay, but I think IA is easily one of the best guitarists I've ever heard.