Your thoughts on THROUGH BLIND EYES...


Dec 11, 2001
NF, Canada
Let's hear what everyone thinks of the new compilation CD, THROUGH BLIND EYES. Let me first publically thank Trevor for getting this thing done! I know from experience that this takes a lot of time and effort. So thank you for supporting local music here in Newfoundland man!!!

Here are my 2 cents.......

Commoname - great sound! Cool riffs, etc!
Asphyxiation - SICK!
Fireign - heard their stuff before on the CD but still cool material!
Oberon - :Spin:

There are too many punk bands for my own tastes. I am not going to insult the bands at all! From what I can tell, for punk music, they are all very good. In fact, Hero Gets Girl did catch my ear with a cool song mixing punk and hard rock! While the album cover looks cool, the back cover and the CD label look like it's suited to Enya. Something darker, more suiting the music on the CD might of went over better, but that's just my opinion and I'm only being picky here!!! :)

All in all, a great idea and a great compilation! Thanks again to Trevor for putting this out. For anyone who hasn't heard it, BUY IT! It's available at Fred's and it's only something like 8 bucks!
The comp dissapointed me. I was expecting 2 new Asphyxiation songs but only got one. Reiculously amazing as it was, I wanted 2 dammit. I was hoping against hope for new Fireign, or at least live Fireign, which is so much better in my opinion, but there were three friggin songs that I already had on CD, so boo that. The Oberon shit is fucking amazing. Commoname, pretty good, I like them more every time I hear them. The Killing's stuff was great as well, but I already have the demo so that was nothing new. What really dissapointed me was Molotov Smile, who I though were hardcore, but are far from it. Last Line as well. Pretty good band, but the clean vocals ruin it. Most of all, no Embers Face. Lack of psudo-black metal = sad Adam.

I caught so much shit for saying this on the Fireign board. :tickled: