your top 5 purchase (and why)

1. Gibson LP Goth
Best $400 guitar ever

2. Bugera 333XL
Best $200 amp ever

3. Presonus Firestudio Project x2
They work great

Need that processin'

5. Sennheiser HD280 Pro's
I used to think $100 was too expensive for headphones. These work, but now I want $300 headphones. shit.
I am with you guys on the hs80.
They are great, and shot out Genelec and Adam for me in a blind shootout.

If I upgrade to more expencive monitors I think it will be focal twins...

One thing:
The ns10 werent that expensive back in the day, and are now studio standard.
I think maybe the same thing will happen with the hs80....
1. SM57 - the only piece of equipment in constant use, ever since 2001 when I bought it... shit, I should celebrate its "birthday" next month :lol:
2. Schecter 007 Blackjack - another constant use piece, since 2005, with my graduation money, so even sentimental value :)
3. Behringer Truth B2030A - a bit funny, but they have been in constant use since 2005 also, no problems and pretty good sound, excellent for the price (270 euros for the pair!)

No other mentionable yet, but Cubase and Superior Drummer 2,0 will be there one day.
1. Macbook Pro- the lack of hassle alone makes this my best ever purchase.
2. Peavey 6505- my first tube amp.
3. Yamaha HS50M's- my first monitors, they improved my mixes SO much.
4. SM57- as above.
5. Logic- it just works better for me than any other DAW I've tried.
Yeah man... I'm going to buy a Saffire 40 this fall, so I can finally start working with quality pres and DIs, quality drivers and what not.

Go for it, it's great. Don't know if you're on a Mac but at least on mine the drivers work pretty flawlessly.
1. MacBook - as for many others in this thread, switching from the Windows realm to the OSX was the best choice I've done regarding my gear.
2. Logic Pro - It's the right DAW for me. What more could you ask?
3. Audio Technica ATH-M50 - amazing pair of headphones that I use all the time.
4. Samson Rubicon R5a active monitors - very underrated in my opinion. Obviously the 5" cone won't give you shitloads of bass, but these monitors are pretty damn good for the price. Also work for casual music listening; fantastic highs if you turn up the ribbon tweeters!
5. Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 - I remember having some problems with drivers at first when the unit was new to the market, but these days it works fine. I feel like I did the right choice ending up with this unit instead of Presonus or M-Audio.
- herman miller (aeron)... because it is the most comfortable/functional chair ever!

- saeco vienna+ i even need to give a reason?

- atc scm50asl's ...because they rule!

- manley massive passive ...yeh!

- drobo (8-bay fs)'s an 8 bay network drive w/ 8x 2TB = 16TB <3
- Taylor 'grand auditorium' - I haven't touched an electric since I bought this and don't think I ever will :\
- Notebooks - gotta keep my thoughts somewhere
- Fux; study of counterpoint - a strict routine to composition but it pays off
- old school metronome - that bell is loud as fuck and I don't like being by a computer all the time
- sega+games - need to relax sometimes
1. A house. Because now I can do pretty much whatever I want with my studio designated space.
2. A home made desk. Because fuck spending the amount of money wanted for some of the garbage they sell and call studio desks.
3. Wood flooring upstairs. Because I was alergic as fuck to the old fucked up carpet.
4. My amps, because they beat the shit out of any amp sim I have tried.
5. My profire 2626, because my firepod sucked (10 inputs is NOT enough)
1. Macbook Pro. My stress level has gone down since going OSX.
2. Rme Fireface. Got this on a weirdly low price from the brazilian distributor. Now it costs 4x more.
3. My wife's Ibanez Telecaster Custom 72 (a mid-70s guitar). A FANTASTIC guitar. Paid around $300 for it.
4. Audio Technica AT4047. Great mic, works great on everything
5. The crappy amp I bought 5 years ago. It was custom built and it sucked Maybe learn how to 'fix' it, I learned to build my own amp and now mod it to suit my needs. It works awesomely with my Gibson SG (and not so great with other guitars ehhe)
1- Roland VS-880= Absolute piece of shit, but it opened the door to recording for me and changed my life.

2- Digi 001= Changed the way I worked. At the time it was pretty insane the power you had in your home studio.

3- Radial JD7= Just being able to split guitars to multiple amps, track di, reamp, and all the extra switches just make tracking guitars a dream.

4- 5150= I'm not really liking it as much now, but it has served me for a few years. I must of done 100 session with it, and no one ever complained.

5- SM7= I'd put this against any mic for vocals at least 90% of the time. Plus it's good on bass/gtr/hat/snare/kick...anything.
1. Macbook Pro. Expensive, really expensive when it's the latest 17 inches one, but so worth it. I'm not too much a fan of OsX though.
2. Yamaha HS80m. Awesome improvement from what I had before that.
3. the ilok. I didn't imagine how handy I would find this
4. A dedicated DI box, it blew my mind how it sounds better than any HiZ input
5. Waves SSL / CLA packs, my go-to tools
- Herman Miller Aeron (most awesome chair ever... makes working so much more fun)
- Event Opals (They just rule :) )
- Ultimate Support monitor stands (dudes... get monitor stands, they´ll tighten up the bass response of your monitor system big time)
- My Audient ASP008s (great clean preamps which do the trick for just about everything)
- and of course my beloved Triple Rectifier (It was my first really awesome guitar amp and it just suits my playing like a glove)