Your verdict on these three 2006 CDs?


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
Twisted into Form - Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer
I've listened to Twisted into Form several times so far. Man, this disc is just not doing a lot for me. I like track 3 - the one that sounds like Spiral and actually has some hooks. I like the widdly parts of tracks, but there are lots of segments that drone on. If they are not being tech, they are relatively uneventful. Is Frantic Bleep an apt comparison at times? I don't remember anything about The Sense Apparatus, but I want to say TiF shares some similarities with FB. Now I don't even think TiF will be top 10 for me. Will listen more later on. I imagine I will end up appreciating it for what it is to a greater extent, but I also realize it is not going to be a classic for me.

Into Eternity - The Scattering of Ashes
My experience with this disc is paralleling that with Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor. I was initially quite disappointed with both, thinking they were rather uninspired and stock. I still feel that both are not as well written as some of their predecessors, but I like their styles so much that I enjoy the discs.

Misery Inc. - Random End
I don't think many of you have heard this disc, but you really should. The music is relatively straightforward catchy thrashy death. The vocals are a clean/dirty mix. Kind of like Into Eternity, but stripped of all progginess. However, the melodic vocals are fucking stellar here. Virtually every chorus is utterly brilliant and memorable. The clean vocal lines within the bodies of the songs are very engaging as well. Though there is less interplay between clean and gruff vocals than in Into Eternity, the contrast is still very effective and provides many headbanging moments. If you have any tolerance for death vox, you need to check these guys out.
Note that their previous disc, Yesterday's Grave, did nothing for me. You really need to judge them based on Random End.
I can only comments on the Into Eternity disc. I think you've read my comments before on other boards, so this is probably a repeat of what I've said earlier. Basically I've liked it from the first time I heard it. I think the new singer fits in real well and does a very nice job on this disc. I don't find this one to be all that drastic of a change from Buried In Oblivion, and it actually seems to contain some elements from Dead Or Dreaming as well. I just pretty much find it to be an enjoyable disc from start to finish. I would expect it to make my top 10 this year for sure. It's probably not quite up to the level of Buried In Oblivion, but it's not far off in my opinion. For the record I prefer BIO to DOD, and it remains my favorite IE disc. I think in time The Scattering Of Ashes will become my 2nd favorite IE disc.
