you're so vain


Aug 2, 2002
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SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A pregnant woman who allegedly ignored medical warnings to have a Caesarean section to save her twins was charged Thursday with murder after one of the babies was stillborn.

Prosecutors said Melissa Ann Rowland, 28, didn't want the scars that accompany the surgery.

An autopsy found the baby died two days before its January 13 delivery and that it would have survived if Rowland had had a C-section when her doctors urged her to, between Christmas and January 9. The other baby is alive, but authorities had no further information.

The doctors had warned that without a C-section, the twins would probably die, authorities said. A nurse told police Rowland said a Caesarean would "ruin her life" and she would rather "lose one of the babies than be cut like that."

"We are unable to find any reason other than the cosmetic motivations" for the mother's decision, said Kent Morgan, spokesman for the district attorney.

Court documents give no address for Rowland, and she isn't listed in area telephone books. An attorney was to be appointed for her Friday, Morgan said.

The charges carry five years to life in prison. Rowland was jailed on $250,000 bail.

According to the documents, Rowland went to LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City in December to seek advice after she hadn't felt her babies move. A nurse, Regina Davis, told police she instructed Rowland to go immediately to one of two other hospitals, but that Rowland said she would rather have both babies die before going to either place.

On January 2, a doctor at LDS Hospital examined Rowland and recommended an immediate C-section based on an ultrasound and the babies' slowing heart rates. Rowland left, the doctor told police.

The same day, Rowland allegedly saw a nurse at another hospital, saying she had left LDS Hospital because the doctor wanted to cut her "from breast bone to pubic bone."

A week later, Rowland allegedly went to a third hospital to verify whether her babies were alive. A nurse there told police she could not detect a heartbeat from one twin and advised Rowland to remain in the hospital, but Rowland allegedly ignored the advice.

In January, the state Supreme Court ruled that unborn children at all stages of development are covered under the state's criminal homicide statute. The law exempts the death of a fetus during an abortion.

The law has been used to prosecute women who kill or seriously harm their babies through drug use; it has never been used because a woman failed to follow her doctor's advice, said Marguerite Driessen, a law professor at Brigham Young University.

"It's very troubling to have somebody come in and say we're going to charge this mother for murder because we don't like the choices she made," Driessen said.
i can relate to why she wouldn't want to ruin her otherwise MODEL LIKE appearance:

i would like to point out that on that "other board", this is being cast as an ABORTION ISSUE, which strikes me as emblematic of that board's periodic massive retardation.
the funny thing is, their stupid arguments about mandating medical treatment 1) hurt the pro-choice cause and 2) are being used on another board by the hardcore religious pro-lifers who don't want the government intruding on their right to kill their children through medical neglect
legally speaking tho, honestly it will set precedent. and could be used against pro-choice laws in the future. IN the right conservative political environment and judicial system.
i don't think i have much of a problem with laws outlawing the abortion of 9 month old fetuses. beyond that, any precedent-setting isn't really relevant and won't give conservative judges any ammunition they don't already have.
I mean, you can already be charged with murder for killing a THREE-month old fetus and not its mother, so I think their arguments about precedents are entirely bullshit and just knee-jerk prochoicism.
yeah, i can't separate this from partial birth abortion in my head. actually, i would think that this woman is less guilty than partial birth abortioners seeing as she was advised that the twins would "probably" die, and partial birth abortion is a bit more premeditated and definite.

and yes, this thread is about me.
well, my point is that you can be 100% pro-abortion and still want this woman to be locked up. unless you're a Peter Singer type (babies can be killed up until they're several months old).