[youtube] akercocke interviewed by irish christians

The dude in the green had the best argument. I mean, I disagree with what is in their lyrics, but I love their music. I also acknowledge that their music affects people minds...
^And how does it affect their minds? Does it make them rape there brothers and sisters so to gain power with there searching the dark corners of the earths for leviathan's mighty balls? Does it make people go "oh hey....lets just, you know...have gay sex in the name of satan"? Or is it, in actuality, the fact that most people salivate over shitty lyrics and do stupid things as acts of rebellion?

The dude in the green is a moron.

There are no inherent contradictions in the idea of there being no higher power. It's merely a case of drawing a conclusion from not entirely complete premises. But then again, assuming that the sun will rise tomorrow morning falls to the same fate. Which is why I'm comfortable in my position.

So far, you're the only person I am continuously agreeing with.
The entire problem with idiots like that is they right off music based on image and lyrical context having no idea if musicians have talent or not than finding an artist or band worthless. I would rather here what people who play instruments say over someone who lives by a bible and sits in a church sunday. I think to myself what makes you so great. This band comes to a country and tons of people enjoy it and what do you do just sit around in a chair making judgement on a group of individuals. These people can burn in hell. Give those christian idiots some instruments and come back and see what kind of dumb music they make. What a bunch of dweebs.

When did christians do anything for music anways. NEVER
When did christians do anything for music anways. NEVER

god i hope this is supposed to be a funny joke. on the topic of the interview, i thought it was pretty stupid that they think they have the right to decide if a band is morally acceptable or if they have the right to play somewhere considering they don't own the country or venues or anything.
When did christians do anything for music anways. NEVER

Nice one. Some of the greatest composers of all time, including Bach (a Lutheran), were devout Christians. Not to mention the fact that most of western music came out of the church originally. So yeah, death metal in its current form wouldn't be around if some Gregorian monks hadn't started chanting polyphonic melodies in the 16th century.
Not to mention the fact that most of western music came out of the church originally. So yeah, death metal in its current form wouldn't be around if some Gregorian monks hadn't started chanting polyphonic melodies in the 16th century.

I hope you realize the ridiculousness of a statement like that.

(Which is not to say that The Grey's original statement isn't also ridiculous by the way, but there is no need to respond with something equally insipid)
What's a book that deals with these issues(other than of course the bible)? I would extremely interested in reading it since I'm a point in my life where I've been thinking a lot about faith, the creation of the world around me, and what happens when I leave.

Well there are loads of books discussing these issues from various viewpoints. From the atheist agenda one of the more entertaining and lucid books I've read is David Mills' Atheist Universe.
Well there are loads of books discussing these issues from various viewpoints. From the atheist agenda one of the more entertaining and lucid books I've read is David Mills' Atheist Universe.

After having read more of it I would definitely recommend The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins as well. Very interesting and entertaining read.
Just found a longer version of the video (about a minute or so extra) where the audience completely turns on those 2 ignorant wankers in the studio:
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Well, I'm an atheist in an area that's 99 % Christian and the 99 % are Fundamentalists I'm sure so just telling people I am one gets a big shock! And for LaVeyan Satanism, I agree with generally whatever I've heard about the philosophy, it just totally matches me, but it's 200 $ to join so I won't be joining anytime soon. :lol: