you've been looking for a tab-software...



hi, dudes.

you (at least Steve) have been looking for an easy-to use tab software. well, i've been using one for over a year now: POWERTAB. it's all for free (seems like real underground to me...?) and can be downloaded at:

in the latest version you can notate independent guitar and bass lines, but the announced 2.0 version will include drum tabs too.
of corpse you can import/export MIDI and all the stuff, but what I like most bout it is:

you can export the bars you notated to .BMP files and then convert them to .GIF (very small-sized files cos black/white) in, let's say, Photoshop (jpeg is not recomended for this use). Afterwards you can put it together in a HTML file and offer it for download at your tabsites. considering that even one of the most pro-considered prog bands, Dream Theater, is using this .txt-style crap (sorry, dudes!) i think it's time to show up somethin different (provided you don't do it this way already).

i really don't want to use this board to promote a band or somethin, but you can view a tab I did this way at:

(go to download section and click on one of the tabulature-links)

anybody who decides to use that software and needs help can post a Q at this board.

i hope this was of some help...

by the way, Steve, thanks for inspiration throughout the years...
well, if Encore is for free, maybe you can tell me where to download...i'd check it out and decide myself if you really are that dinosaur ;-)
I don't know about any downloads man, I got a couple of discs from my buddy Ron J, Spastic Ink dude...that's what he used, or uses. We used to trade .enc files through email. That's why he set me up with Encore, and now that's all I've ever tried out. It's a bit tedious, but the end result printed out looks really nice.
Originally posted by Unregistered1
hi, dudes.

you (at least Steve) have been looking for an easy-to use tab software. well, i've been using one for over a year now: POWERTAB. it's all for free (seems like real underground to me...?) and can be downloaded at:

in the latest version you can notate independent guitar and bass lines, but the announced 2.0 version will include drum tabs too.
of corpse you can import/export MIDI and all the stuff, but what I like most bout it is:

you can export the bars you notated to .BMP files and then convert them to .GIF (very small-sized files cos black/white) in, let's say, Photoshop (jpeg is not recomended for this use). Afterwards you can put it together in a HTML file and offer it for download at your tabsites. considering that even one of the most pro-considered prog bands, Dream Theater, is using this .txt-style crap (sorry, dudes!) i think it's time to show up somethin different (provided you don't do it this way already).

i really don't want to use this board to promote a band or somethin, but you can view a tab I did this way at:

(go to download section and click on one of the tabulature-links)

anybody who decides to use that software and needs help can post a Q at this board.

i hope this was of some help...

by the way, Steve, thanks for inspiration throughout the years...

Hey man ... when is version 2.0 beta going to be ready ?
I registered myself to be a beta tester ... just want to know :)
I concur, great tool for composing as well. Easily the best tablature/notation program I've ever used.

Plus the new version coming up will include drum support! I can't wait until the new version comes out.

And will you be on the next Testament Mr.DiGiorgio? Loved your work on The Gathering.
well, i don't think you can become a beta tester anymore. as you can read on the powertab site the application period is over. but i think version 2.0 could be out within this year. since that guy programming that stuff is not interested in money and profit, at least regarding powertab. so the only thing you can do is be patient.

yeah, indeed, this is the best software available. unbelievable that it is for free if you consider that the other stuff you have to pay for is inferior to it...

and the advantage of version 2.0 will be that an entire band could compose it songs in a very professional and efficient way by just trading their .ptb files via e-mail. especially for bassists it will be an improvement. since i'm still into that "bass-and-drums-are-one-entity" traditional rock-way of doing lines. still is the best way to push things in death-metal. a pity so few death-metal bassplayers are able to play fast enough to match the drums when playing with fingers except for a few (hi, steve!). of how many do you know that could match the 16th groups at tempo 224 of some of the drummers?

to devastator: you use this .txt style too. but at least you offer some guitar pro files. but i hate guitar pro, sorry. it has some awkward handling and you have to get used to it quite a lot. powertab is usable intuitively and very easy, yet still pro-like.

tell me when you put your first tab in HTML style with nice looking .GIFs. i'm curios and eager to get Lack Of Comprehension that way.

I was one of the first who registered themselves to be beta testers ... just wanted to know when it's going to be ready to test it !!

Could anyone use my guitar pro,midi or .txt files to create a Power Tab file to add in my site (especially for Lack Of Comprehension) ?
well, if you send me the midi file, i could import it to powertab and send you the .ptb file. but i'm not usre what will happen to the string assignment, if powertab will change some strings or not...

send it to