YT: EMG81 vs BKP Aftermath

each have their stregnths. just though i'd point out that both me and the other guitarist in my band have aftermaths in all our guitars. an esp horizon, a ibanez rg and a warmoth tele. each guitar sounds VERY different, so i'm guessing that alot of these tonal differences could be on the guitars just as much as pickups.

i've always hated the high end in emgs.
81 for me too.
But it's one of the rare clips were a BKP sounds pretty decent, even if a bit boomy for my tastes.
Will work for certain stuff pretty good tho, just not for my playing.

Is it in the guitar you said it's the first one in which you like a BKP?
I also agree that each pickup has it's own strengths and weaknesses compared to the other.

I vote for both, one on each side. :)

I think I have never said this Lasse:
Thanks a lot for all the shootouts you do. It's a great contribution and dedication for this forum, no doubt about it.
Guys, it isn't a "which do you prefer" thread... he says that in the bloody description!

Lasse, any information on the guitars?? Are they both the same material and all that jazz?
I like the aftermath more; can see how it would be great for biiiiiig rock geetars with less chugging.