YT: Part 2 of my EP "Digression" recording

Seeing all the Falling into Darkness riffs makes me want to grab the geetar and start playing them :D
That was really interesting to watch, thanks for sharing. Some questions:
- I see that you used a Tech21 BDD to track the bass? did you use any other kind of plug in after? (other than EQ and compression).
- That sock you use to mute the strings isn't supposed to be used when tracking solos? I mean doesn't it mute the open strings when you play rhythm?
- I just realized that you recorded all the songs with a 6string guitar, don't ask me why but I was under the impression that there was a 7 strings involved also. Anyway, I assume in you new material there's gonna be some 7string riff awesomeness now that you have the Loomis, right?
Mago & Felix: Thanks guys! We should get involved in a project or something ;)

Kimon: Yeah its a Tech 21 Sansamp BDDI, I think ill have just used it for monitoring so I could hear myself better than with just a regular DI. Back then I didn't do anything to the DI before reamping it through the BDDI....but these days I usually cut some points in the low mids to let the clarity of the notes cut a little easier.

I put the sock behind the nut so its not muting any of the open strings...however I angle it so it does come over to the high B/E strings so I don't get those involved when picking :) Same thing with that bit of foam on the top 2 strings at the 24th fret area. Every little helps!

Check out the PT 1 thread, I recorded Where The Strong Become Weak with a C7 Hellraiser :)

Crille: Haha that would be sweet but I recorded this EP in 09 and released it last year. Perhaps on the upcoming album though? ;)

Guitarhack: Much appreciated dude! Shame your not on here more often these days, I do miss the reamping/tone discussions you were frequently involved in :worship: I've just started sorting out some video for some pre-production tracks for the album....if you think this riffage is epic....wait 'till you hear the new stuff! It's pretty rocking!

Thanks everybody! :worship:
Ah cool man. thought this was for your new EP. But i would be soo interested to do a song for your album.

You kick some serious ASS!!!! haha, that is how guitar should be played :)
Part @6:02 sounds like Technical Difficulities by Racer-X :D Nice playin', dude!
Have been watching that segment that starts at roughly 8:05 over and over again, so awesome! Great riffs all-around.

You should definitely get this stuff out there more, I know many forums where people would love your music :)
Yeah. Am I the only one amazed you're not a major metal record label yet?
I've listened to your songs before on MySpace and enjoyed it a lot. I think Deadlock is my favorite. :)
Your right hand picking is inspiring. You own those fast alternate picking riffs!
Thanks for the comments guys :yow:

I've never really looked into a labels mainly because its a personal project at the moment but in future if I did get the band members then perhaps a label might feel like they want to get involved. Though im dubious of labels....not sure I trust them ;) hehe