Yuletide a comin' !!!

Mr. Lapin Kulta

Evil invader
Jul 20, 2004
Northernmost Sweden
Merry fuckin' christmas to one and all! :kickass:

Today I'm off to my fiancée's parents for "pre-christmas" and tomorrow I'm heading home again to feast with my brothers, their wives and kids, and my parents. Hope you all have some dandy plans for this wonderful christian holiday :p

The spirit of Jesus lives again! :lol: Well, not really, but at least I will get some sweet ass gifts - I hope :Saint:
Merry Christmas also to you!!! :grin: And of course to everyone else!!!! ;)
Hope you all have a nice Christmas Eve!

This year no christmas for me, since I have to work and I´m not able to see my family since they live on the countryside. :waah:
Well, I will have a private party with my cats and my two best friends salmiakki and koskenkorva!!! :lol:
at least i'm having a short family christmas celebration on 25th, we planned it for 24th, but i need to work on that day. well, i'm working atm too, but i don't care, gives me a lot of money for a lot of upcoming madnesses :) looking forward for the awesome food on 25th and the awesome stuff on tv at 24th.
and more looking forward for the days AFTER christmas!!!! :-D

but yeah, merry christmas to all of you..
All I really know is we'll be going to my sister's and my brother-in-law for christmas lunch. As for the rest of the day, I haven't got a fucking clue what's going to happen.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year.
Merry fuckin' christmas to one and all! :kickass:

Today I'm off to my fiancée's parents for "pre-christmas" and tomorrow I'm heading home again to feast with my brothers, their wives and kids, and my parents. Hope you all have some dandy plans for this wonderful christian holiday :p

The spirit of Jesus lives again! :lol: Well, not really, but at least I will get some sweet ass gifts - I hope :Saint:

Have a good one man, and all of you Turisas fans out there. Ill be drinking many beers, and waking up Christmas Day with the most fucked up hangover ever.

Take care what ever you lot do.