Z Rock


Any of you fellow old schoolers remember listening to the satellite station, called Z-Rock back in the late 80's to early 90's?!
They were to metal what Headbangers Ball was to Metal videos at that time...
I loved listening, you never knew what they had coming up, band interviews,
contests, live feeds from concerts...
They used to have the call in game called Z Rock Backrockwards...
They would play a song in it's entirety, backwards & they'd take calls until someone got it right...
There were no hints!
Did I mention I used to love that station?!
Psychonaut said:
I caught it every now and again and liked it but I could never nail down what station it was on. If I happened to be listening to the radio and came across it, I would listen. It was pretty cool.
Man, I used to grab it from an AM station based out of Portland, OR.
The reception wasn't all that great at times, but it was came in good...
It was heaven. Not the Warrant song either!
They used to have a good mix of power metal, thrash, glam, ect.
They covered it all. Not singles, but LP cuts!
I was picking it up somewhere in Seattle when I heard it. I think it was towards the low end of the band but yeah, it was cool to hear metal that wasn't on constant rotation elsewhere. Of course, Metal Shop in Seattle was the best. I called them multiple times every week (usually drunk) and put my requests in. They did a good job of getting them on too.
I remember Metal Shop too...
I remember the show they did with Ace Frehley's Comet
& the 80's era KISS...
I wish I was able to pick up Rockline, that's a cool interview show,
but no chance around here.
I was have caught Dee Snider's House of Hair
on a few occasions, that's just your basic glam show
with Maiden, Metallica & Motorhead thrown in for good measure...
It's not all that...
sixxswine said:
Any of you fellow old schoolers remember listening to the satellite station, called Z-Rock back in the late 80's to early 90's?!
They were to metal what Headbangers Ball was to Metal videos at that time...
I loved listening, you never knew what they had coming up, band interviews,
contests, live feeds from concerts...
They used to have the call in game called Z Rock Backrockwards...
They would play a song in it's entirety, backwards & they'd take calls until someone got it right...
There were no hints!
Did I mention I used to love that station?!

Yes! I remember it, too! It was the greatest station ever...except when they played "Hole Hearted" by Extreme practically every two hours...but then they might follow it up with something like the original "Breadfan" (by Budgie) or "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" in it's entirety.

As a matter of fact I won BackRockWards several times! I still have all the "Hard & Heavy" and "Metalhead" videotapes that I won! Once in a while 'Mad Max' Hammer would give a clue. If you asked him sometimes he would give one out.

Yep. Them were the good old days. Before the dark times. Before Alternative/Grunge. :yuk: Before Nirvana destroyed most bands' careers.
I heard about that station in the mid 80s when I saw them mentioned on the thank you list of the second Pantera album "Projects in the Jungle". Later I read about them in the Brit mag Metal Forces.

Of course I could never listen to them.
Never heard of Z Rock, sounds cool though.

I loved Metalshop. I've found a bunch of those old shows on LP and have been converting them to cd.
Psychonaut said:
Without Dee's personality to fuel it, that show would be total crap. You gotta admit, he's interesting to listen to.
Dee makes some off color remarks about the bands featured on the show.
Like Twisted was any better off image wise?!
He has a great voice for radio though, he was on the Stern show
before he got the radio gig in Conn. It was around the time he was
plugging his movie. I got those appearances on disc. There's soooo much funny stuff on there. Like his run in with Tommy Lee after getting out of jail...:tickled: