Zakk Wylde

Zakk USED to due jazz stuff, Zakk USED to do cool things, but like I said he hasnt done anything worth talking about since like '98. His playing has gone down the toilet. Btw hes not a hilbilly, its just an act, hes from Jersey.
Anyway, Black Label Society is the most overrated piece of shit I've heard in a long while. It's beer chugging, sibling raping hillbilly "metal" (note the quotation marks), exactly along the lines of Pantera.
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Pantera and BLS are nothing alike, at least to my refined ear.

Oh, and the thing IanDork107 said was just stupid.
Yes, Pantera and Black Label Society are similar sounding definately and am I the only fucker here that actually likes those 2 bands? I love Wylde's Stronger Than Death album but I don't like his new album as much. Oh yeah, how about you all stop bitching and I would love to see you all try to play better than Wylde.

hes the ozzfest version of phil anselmo :)

:lol: That guy is so much like Anselmo.