Zetro forced to sit out South American tour ????


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Damn, that sucks. What was he sick from ? Here's the story from Blabber ....

EXODUS frontman Steve "Zetro" Souza was forced to sit out the band's South American tour after falling ill during the group's Japanese trek. Filling in for Zetro in South America is EXHUMED frontman Matt Harvey.

According to one fan's posting on the band's official message board, Matt did a "great job" at the opening date of the South American tour on Saturday (Sept. 11) in Mexico City. "[Guitarist] Gary [Holt] told the crowd the reason why Zetro was not in EXODUS [last night] before 'Scar Spangled Banner'," the fan writes. "Matt did some minor fuck-ups, but it is natural because he had a couple of days since EXODUS called him to do vocals for the South American dates, but the Mexican audience received him well, I think he fitted well in EXODUS, he knows his fucking metal.

"The crowd was 'unbelieveable' in [guitarist Rick] Hunolt's words, fans from the center, north, and south Mexico (I traveled 10 hours by bus to attend this show). The moshpit was fucking wild, 'stage diving' even from the 'mezzanine' of [Hard Rock Live], and we all enjoyed the show; the guys [were] very down-to-earth, signing everything, from LPs, CDs, posters, bumper stickers, to checks from the bar."

EXODUS' set list – Hard Rock Live in Mexico City, Sept. 11, 2004:

01. Exodus
02. Scar Spangled Banner
03. 'Til Death Do Us Part
04. Pirahna
05. Shroud Of Urine
06. Brain Dead
07. Lesson In Violence
08. Metal Command
09. Bonded By Blood
10. War Is My Sheppard
11. Toxic Waltz
12. Strike Of The Beast
13. Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap
Posted from Gary Holt from Exodus

Joined: 27 Dec 2003
Posts: 213

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:22 pm Post subject: The whole truth, and nothing but!

Okay people, the word has leaked, so I'm here to give you a brief rundown.
Let me give you an idea of what we've had to deal with as far as that fat motherfuckin' shit brick is concerned. He pulled out of going to Mexico city only about twenty four hours before were ready to leave, saying " I'm not getting on the plane, you'll see me on Thursday to go to South America." He lied to our manager, saying that he had talked to me already about this, which was a totall lie. He then ducked every fuckin' phone call and just hid out. The promoter had already paid a non-refundable 8 thousand dollars for the room and it would have been a disaster to have canceled. None of this mattered to that miserable piece of shit. The only thing he cares about is himself and money. If only you could have heard some of the shit that has come out of his fat pie hole over the last couple of years. Things like " Why does Jack get the same money as me, who the hell is he anyway?" "We should hire a body guard for South America", " If the fans want more than 12 songs out of me they should pay more money, they are getting their moneys worth already!", "Why is Gary in the front of this promo picture,I should be in the front, that's copyright infringement!", (true! he said that!). There is soooo much more shit you wouldn't believe it. This motherfucker sat backstage and cried at Provinsi rock fest in Finland like a pussy. Waaaaaah! Now you can keep your fat fuckin' ass at home and go off your Atkins diet ( like it's working lard ass!) and blow up as much as you'd like! If he had been a man and finished his commitments and said that it's too hard and he can't do it anymore I'd have shaken his hand and wished him well, but not now. He is the enemy. I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone on this planet. He is human crap. Fuck him. Some people wonder what will happen now. Well this band will continue. As for tight nit unity! The show in Mexico was the most liberating moment in my career, not have to listen to him bitch and complain once! And you know what? The crowd did not care. But I am not quitting. This is MY band ( the thing that he hated most), I write the songs and I've got some crushing new shit written already. So fuck that pussy. Zetro is dead, love live Exodus!
read an article in Aardschok/Metal Hammer that they all had big drug issues in the past years and they kicked Souza out every year and they always ask him to come back!!They just should call it a day!!