Zetro's Statement...On Leaving Exodus

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Zetro has asked me to release this statement for him:


To All Concerned,

I would like to say first of all, that leaving Exodus was a very
hard decsion to make. I really wanted everything to work out in the
long run. But lots of things came between us. Back when Paul died, I
stepped in as a favor to the band, who had prior commitments and shows
already booked. At that point in time, I was willing to play these
shows, but was still reluctant to rejoin the band on a full time
basis. After these shows I realized that I still really enjoyed
performing and playing the live shows. I then decided to give Exodus a
second go at it. We recorded the album and it was a great record. I
thought it was my best performance & work of my entire career.
Now came the touring, and juggeling a family, a full time job, and
Exodus, it was never easy on me. In fact while being on tour, I loved
playing live on stage to our great fans around the world. But that was
only a small part of being on the road. For its a long day, every day
out there. To much time in between shows, to think about my family
back home. I have 3 wonderful kids & a great wife, which were miles
away from me. And I still had many social and financial worries, with
way to much time to think about everything while away from home,
during the downtime in between shows on the road. I am the sole
provider for my family, before ever stepping back in full time to the
band. But I still had to work full time at my job to support my
family. And not to mention taking care of my family and the
obligations of being a Father. My family will always come first. And
after my family, my job which pays all the bills was second on my
list. And unfortunately my music had to become number three. Now
understand that 15 years ago, when I had no family, Exodus was my job,
it was number one in my life. Alot has changed in my life since then,
and rejoining, and now. And now I must say that these three things
have run its course.......I'm sorry, but I can only do the first two.
With regards to the South American tour dates, and Mexico City date.
I am very sorry I could not do these dates. Shows were getting
cancelled up to the last minute. It reached a point where it was not
financially feasible for me to attempt to do this trip. Four of the
nine dates, that I knew about got cancelled. And other shows I was
uncertain about. Even though we were attempting to still do this tour
anyway. So it was either stay home and work my regular job, which
guarantees my families security. Or do the tour dates and most likey
come home with considerably less money, than staying home and working.
That was alot of pressure for me to handle, and I had to make the
right decsion for my family and myself. I would like to sincerely
apologize to the fans of Brasil, and to Mexico City. I really wanted
to fulfill my commitment, I love our fans down there with all my
heart. But since so many shows were turning out not to happen. I just
could not afford to do it. I am very sorry that the fans were
disappointed, but so was I......Very much so.
With regards to Exodus, I have nothing but good things to say about
Exodus, Gary, Rick, and Tom are, and remain lifelong friends of mine.
The comments that I heard about second hand, I know were from anger,
being hurt, and deep disappointment. And I really understand that, and
totally forgive them 100%. I'm sure they will go on, because Gary Holt
is the greatest musician I have ever played with. And he needs to
continue with Exodus, because he is Exodus. I wish them great success!
But unfortunately at this time in my life, with much regret, it can't
be with me. But who knows what can happen in the future.........
To all my fans who wanted this to go on. I am really sorry to all of
you the most. I really tried hard. Hanging out with you, before,
during, and after the shows, all around the world, was the reason I
continued to do it. Exodus will always be Exodus. I want all of you to
still support the band. And who knows I may see you again in the

Sincerely to all,

Steve "Zetro" Souza
Its funny....................... I tend to belive someone more when there ranting and angry for a reason, then someone who who has had a month to think about what they have to say.
From the things I have heard Gary Holt say to the things Zetro has said I think I would lean more toward ,Zetro being an asshole, and Exodus kicking his ass out...........................

But then again I really dont care.................................