Zombass processing: could anybody do that for me?


Aug 21, 2008

Could anybody here process a midi bass from Guitar Pro through Zombass (free version is obviously ok) for me please? I'd greatly appreciate the helping hand.

Here is the midi file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1258300/andy-sneap/2013-08/21. Bass.mid?dl=1

And here is a rough reference mix of the song https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1258300/andy-sneap/2013-08/21 rough mix A01.mp3 (by the way does anybody know why there's this horrible pop noise at the beginning? It always happen when I render to mp3 from Reaper)

Thank you very much for your time!
Why you can't use that free zombass?
Only time when I got pop at beginning of render was when time marker was in middle of song.
Hey nezvers,

I downloaded Zombass but it seems I need Kontakt (which I haven't purchased yet and wasn't planning to purchase) to run it. However Paule did the render for me, thanks man!

Request met!
I think free version had 15min trial time (but you can reset/ re-place plugin for another round) and since you already have midi notes it's no problem to bounce them down.