Zombie themed TV series based on The Walking Dead = stoked!


I want stout!
Aug 18, 2009
Chicago, IL
This series is based of the graphic novels THE WALKING DEAD. I've read the first 7 volumes and believe if they do this right (which it looks like they did from this trailer) it should be awesome. Oh yeah I think it premieres this Halloween.

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I've been following the comics for this for a while, I was stoked when I heard they were making it a series. Breaking Bad was pretty graphic with the violence this past season so I'm very hopeful the show will do justice to the comic since it seems they can get away with quite a bit on AMC. The trailers looked panel for panel but more awesome since you had a ton of zombies that drove it home visually.

The book is pretty crazy though, I have no idea how they are going to do the end of one particular arc of the story. I'm not even sure if they could get away with that on pay cable without offending someone, lol.