Zynaptiq Unfilter - Very interesting


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I'm not sure if anyone here has tried it, I'd been interested in your thoughts. It's a really interesting and unique plugin.


I'm not sure if I love it or hate it (there's no middle ground), I think I'm leaning towards love. It's a little confusing as to what it does on paper. It claims to undo what EQ does, amongst other things (see the link about for a full description). You could also interpret to some extent that it can remove or capture an impulse from pretty much anything and apply it to something else.

Video: http://www.zynaptiq.com/unfilter/unfilter-videos/

I've been testing it and it really does seem like a magic box. You can hear it do it's thing on pretty much everything you apply it to. I've been testing it on the master bus but it also sound awesome on other things too. I really like it on drum shells, but on overheads it's too harsh and when I pulled that out I didn't like it. Other than adding some EQ, it's pretty much always sounds best just to let it do its thing and leave it alone which means you can get results from it in a few seconds.

If you do try it run some of your favourite reference track through it, the results are surprising. Some things sound amazing, and I couldn't believe how good. The worse the track is to being with the more obvious the change is, it can be subtle. It does seem to be geared more towards more commercial music and can really give a mix crisp sheen.

I do think it has it's own sort of sound and I'm wondering if it's the kind of thing you'd start to hate after a while. I'm not sure if I'll buy this, it's pretty expensive.

So, like I've said I'd really like to hear what you guys think. There's a demo version that runs for 12 min.
Nice plugin I'm defi.. oh.. pricetag..

Does the demo work for 12 minutes at a time in the DAW? Any other limitations? Does it keep the settings when you save?
It looks really cool, not only for restoration, but transferring impulses..
I remember trying this on a really crappy acoustic guitar recording and being pretty impressed, then I decided to try do the same thing with just a stock eq and got pretty much the same results (even though it ended up being some whacky eq curves and boosting and cutting all over the place etc).
The price is really high for a plugin like this, but maybe it's worth the money.
Anyway, I really feel guilty whenever I usi these kind of plugins, or eq matching, it's like cheating.
Even if I see the eq curve then try to do it ith a normal eq plugin. But matching eq is a really effective way for me to learn from commercial songs.