They're playing right behind where I live. I'm guessing it might be their last tour. It is $60. Man, I want to see them but would it be worth that kind of jack?
ZZ Top were great two years ago when I saw them. Definately worth $60.
Why do you think it will be their last tour?
I didn't realize they toured two years ago. I guess they just didn't come this way. I dunno, they are getting up there and they got honored on that one show on MTV with like Queen and Genesis.
i just bought a bunch of zz top off napster
do you know why ?
yep, cause i'm bad.... i'm nationwide
Did ya get any cheap sunglasses?
yep, i just got paid today. i got a pocket full of change. so i went over to my girlfriend francine's house but she wasn't home. she was out in la grange bailing her brother out of jail (he's a real beer drinker and hell raiser).
be warned, zz top use a LOT of taped stuff live, esp Billy's vocals and rhythm guitars. If you go to youtube and check out the songs from the beacon theatre it's really obvious. If you want to see them playing live and totally kicking fucking ass, this dude just put a clip on youtube for me. Look for 'zz top later' and youll get a clip of them doing 'she's just killing me' live on uk tv and it fuckin RIPS.
I have heard the accusations many times about ZZ Top using tapes, but let's just emphasise they are in addition to the live music, not a replacement.
I saw ZZ Top in 2003 and they were definately playing live. Some backing tracks but still absolutely live.
Since retards in Finland are unable to do a you tube search for some reason here's a link to some godawful shit. This guy has a few beacon clips.
Here's the proof that they can do a one-off if they want to.
I dunno, never seen ZZ Top yet, but they are one of my Must See bands before I pop my clogs!