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  1. JohnInDarkness

    New When Day Descends!

    Brian, did you know about this? Released June 30th. Available on itunes and there are two free downloads here. Absolutely stunning work. So happy that the vocals don't ruin it.
  2. JohnInDarkness

    Hey Coy...

    ... we should bring back Regurgitated Semen. Do you remember any of those awesome lyrics?
  3. JohnInDarkness

    My sister just offered me $40 to cancel band practice...

    Should I take it?
  4. JohnInDarkness

    Playing with KATATONIA in September!

    As well as Swallow the Sun, Orphaned Land and Novembers Doom. Very much excited! Tickets.
  5. JohnInDarkness

    Even if you know longer have it Sean...

    it still needs to be immortalized forever on the Interwebs...
  6. JohnInDarkness

    KFC's "Double-Down."

    I had to check to make sure this was real when I read about it. Gotta love fast-food chains striving to make the most heart-attack-inducing foods imaginable. Post about other such artery-clogging creations that you are tempted to try. Edit...
  7. JohnInDarkness

    We have gotten our first negative review! Please discuss.
  8. JohnInDarkness

    Chris, this is your new role model.

    New Jersey woman striving to weigh 1,000 pounds, become world's fattest lady -
  9. JohnInDarkness

    Playing with ALCEST April 24th!/event.php?eid=499382110461&ref=nf :rock:
  10. JohnInDarkness

    Until The Light Takes Us Shellie and I are going to the Saturday show. Anybody else attending this weekend?
  11. JohnInDarkness


    Go see it.
  12. JohnInDarkness

    Get a $2 WHITE CID shirt

    A few people on Facebook seemed interested in this when I posted about it, so here is how to get your very own $2 white CID shirt. First some notes: - Can only be white. - It's extra for large sizes, so if you are of frost giant proportions, be prepared to spend $2+ more. (XXL and up). -...
  13. JohnInDarkness

    Happy Beefday Brian!

    Although it's almost over.... Better late than never?:danceboy:
  14. JohnInDarkness

    Ethan Frome Deluxe Edition tells me there is a new "Deluxe Edition" of Ethan Frome being released in October. I thought the cover was a little funny. Pretty blunt and to the point.
  15. JohnInDarkness

    Some Trip Pictures

    No not psychadelic trip. :rolleyes: Shellie and I took a short road-trip up to Door County in Wisconsin. I'll upload the whole batch to my Flickr when I get home, but here are a couple: Egg Harbor at 5am. Some cliffs at a scenic overlook we found. Cave Point County Park...
  16. JohnInDarkness

    Maudlin of the Well

    Just in case some have missed the news (or Sean's thread awhile ago), here are some blog entries from their Myspace: It began with this [June 26th '08]: Then this [June 26th '08]: This [July 27th '08]: Finally [January 27th '09]: They just posted a few studio photos on the Myspace, so...
  17. JohnInDarkness

    The Bacon Explosion
  18. JohnInDarkness

    On this day in history...

    0066 5th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet 1340 English king Edward III proclaimed king of France 1531 Lisbon hit by Earthquake; about 30,000 die 1654 Portuguese troops conquer last Dutch base on Recife 1666 France declares war on England & M�nster 1689 Jean Racine's...
  19. JohnInDarkness

    Attenion members of CID:

    The basement DID NOT flood. Our gear is safe. Fort BigSexy lives to see another day. That is all, carry on.