Am I insane for not being a big fan of Iron Maiden?

The Butt

The Admiral
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
I admit, I'm not a big Maiden fan. I've gotten slagged for it before, being told that my opinions just "aren't valid", for not being the biggest fan of this supposedly legendary band. My reasoning, is that to me, Maiden just seems to be a "pick and choose your songs" band. Off of the each of the three albums I've heard (A Matter of Life and Death, Powerslave, and Piece of Mind), I can only really rhyme off two, maybe three songs, that really strike me as interesting.

Now, I don't feel that it's a big deal, myself, maybe it's just the albums I've been listening to. But is there really something wrong, just because I don't like the majority of the Maiden that I've heard? Or, is there anyone else that shares my opinion of the band?

Please, no flaming or anything. Just asking a simple question.
I don't there's nothing wrong with it. I myself haven't been ahuge fan since Somewhere In Time...and I agree they have become a pick a song type band because they have become very incosistent...I think if they are going to put out albums that don't match the Maiden of old they should just tour...
Music is all a matter of personal taste. I personally am a huge Maiden fan, but music is subjective. I like the way you stated your case without resorting to saying they suck, or some such thing, and just said you didn't like them. I try to do the same with bands that I don't care for. You opinion is just as valid as their opinions, so don't lose any sleep over it.

I listen to whatever moves me and don't worry about what others think of my musical tastes.
yes you are.

that said, nobody has to love any metal band to be a "real metalhead". though, i think respect is required. i dont like motorhead, ozzy sabbath, accept, zeppelin, wasp, etc. i mean i like certain songs here and there but generally no. though hell yea i appreciate and respect what theyve done.
Rare is the metal fan that doesn't adore Maiden. HOWEVER, you're not alone. i have a bud who loves metal....all genres of metal. He especially loves the 'old school' bands (Sab, Priest, Dio, etc) but, for reasons unknown to me, he thinks Maiden are shite! Oh the humanity!
My friend Darren doesn't like much Maiden either, he keeps saying they hadn't done anything interesting since "Piece Of Mind" and keep bashing what's the big deal with Iron Maiden coming is not that is Black Sabbath. I myself believe they worth until 1988 (thus I'm going for the new tour like a flaming thunderbolt).
But the point was made by Whisper
Music is all a matter of personal taste.

I don't like Led Zeppelin, Accept, Mercyful Fate/King Diamond, Slayer, Van Halen, Wasp, and countless other bands hold sacred by many and I'm as much a metalhead as anyone. So everyhting is fine unless you say you don't like Motorhead! :saint:

NP: Waterclime - 'The Angel And The Fireball'
I don't like Led Zeppelin, Accept, Mercyful Fate/King Diamond, Slayer, Van Halen, Wasp, and countless other bands hold sacred by many and I'm as much a metalhead as anyone. So everyhting is fine unless you say you don't like Motorhead! :saint:

I couldn't imagine not liking Motorhead...

Check out the MAiden plane!

I can't imagine not liking 80s Maiden (w/Bruce), but to each their own. Like Wyv said, we all have our bands we don't like that are worshiped by most metalheads. I can imagine not liking Motorhead (I have to be in a certain mood for them). After all, Lemmy's vocals are like gargling glass and he rarely carries any kind of melody whatsoever. Of course, for those who do like Motorhead, that's all part of their charm!

Killer looking plane, Sixx! Those guys are definitely making some money these days to afford a custom paint job like that.
I think their alright but you don't really need to love them to be a real metalhead. You don't need to like motorhead either as they classify themselves are rock I am sure :p. Anyway yeah I like old metal including maiden but I don't like them at all as much as most of you guys. I have about three albums (one of them is ed the great) and I listen about once a year whereas I listen to Judas Priest pretty much every day atm.

I can understand why someone wouldn't like Priest, WASP and Fate/King Diamond but that doesn't make them any less good just not to everyones tastes. My problem with maiden is that they put me in a funny mood when I'm listening to them and I'm not all that keen on the vocals, I prefer Halfords.

I quite like Zeppelin but again I don't listen to them very often and I prefer Halfords vocals :p.
I actually haven't really looked into maidens new stuff but I really am barely ever in the mood to listen to them at all so, you know I kind of can't be bothered.
Maiden has some great songs, but overall I'm not a huge fan either. Don't like Motorhead, Accept, Slayer, Van Halen, Wasp, and many other 80's thrash/etc bands.

Zeppelin is great though :D
Nope! You are not insane! I like Iron Maiden, but my brother things they are 'crap'. :lol: But he is a big Motorhead fan. So I forgive him! :)
I've said this before about other bands, but it really depends on how old you
are. If you're in your mid-20's or younger, I would not be shocked if they
didn't appeal to you. May be a little more strange if you're mid-30's, or older (assuming you like metal).
Hey, I'm not full on into too many bands whose heyday was 5 years before, or 5 years after I was born.
Although I do acknowledge that it's not true in all cases...

They are easily among my top 5 favorite bands ever. Sadly though, there
are only about a half dozen songs I really love after Fear of the Dark, and
most of them are on Brave New World. :erk:

I love all 7 bands Wyv mentioned, and I don't like Motorhead. :lol:
no you're not insane because they are overrated. judas priest is better.

anyways its all your opinion
I have loved Iron Maiden since the 2nd grade, when my older brother used to play his Power Slave album(which eventually found its way into my room). I remember telling my guitar instructor in 4th or 5th grade that I wanted to play like Adrian Smith--he was like who???. Any way, IMO everything upto Seventh Son is awesome musical masterpieces after that they have very good moments(except for the Blaze era)

I could never get into Priest like I could Maiden, something about Halfords vocals gets on my nerves after awhile--although the first Fight record is awesome
I like Maiden alot but it is certain songs, that I like alot. Others I just listen to and are OK but their on the CD and I just let them play and appreaciate the moment. Thats just the way I've always benn, I look at albums as an entire piece of work, where those artists heads were at, at that time. I remember back in the 80's the people I knew that liked Maiden were also into Priest and visa versa with just preferences. Mine was Maiden. Im also a big fan of Sam/Halen, which is uncommon amounst die hard old school Van Halen heads. But I have been a fan of Sammy since I first heard his voice on Montrose's debut in '73 so Sam/Valen was like the perfect combination to me. Roth's stuff was way too predictable, formulated and not very intelligent lyrically but I still enjoy it.

Still I only occasionally listen to these bands anymore because I have already over played the stuff way back when, same with Zep.

The few bands that have always made me cring are kiss, foreigner and ozzy. I like a handful of ozzy songs but to listen to an entire tape back in the day was unbareable. In fact I just threw out a good size collection of 5 early ozzy tapes, because I never, never played them..... Dio rules !