Drum Triggering

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these drummers arent using the triggers to create double hits,
what most metal drummers are really trying to achieve with the triggers is to make the kick drum the loudest part of the kit and get a more consistent kick sound.
two reasons, first off so the other band members can really hear what they are playing too (following kick patterns), and so you the drummer can hear aswell
alot of live situations the kick cant be heard well becuz of weak pa systems or bad sound guys.
second , the trigger allows you to adjust the parameters of your kick sample,
so with this you can, adjust velocity (like compression you can raise your weaker hits to sound like heavy hits) add or subtract decay to shorten or lengthen the sample, tune up your kick drum head so its snappy and keep your sample nice and low ( so you are getting a faster response from the drum head but keeping all the thump)
none of this is cheating, it could be called bass drum steroids,
but its up to you to re-create your drum parts live, its all how you wanna do it.
btw tim yeung uses axis ekit triggers and long boards to get that crazy fast double bass sound, the ekits actually mimmich the exact beater action with this little thing called a detonator, its the only form of exact triggering,
every other trigger uses vibration AND THATS A PAIN IN THE ASS
every drum you hit triggers other drums (its called crosstalk) and the triggers get fatigued in the middle of your set,
the only thing that worked for me was two seperate kicks, both stuffed to the max, with triggers on the very bottom (close as i can get to the floor)
with my parameters set way down.
axis ekit triggers work no matter what is in your kick drum or how you set your module.
they only fit on axis pedals, but if your playing metal wtf are you doing without axis pedals

Now, to me, no self respecting metal band would put drum triggering in their music, or if they did, they would just come out and admit it. It just seems like cheating. Now, I don't care if it is used a little bit--on Between The Buried and Me's Colors, they use it in a couple spots in one of the songs (or he has inhumanly fast feet), and that's cool. It is pretty obvious. But if metal bands are using it all the time to get those crazy runs, that is down right lame.
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