Dumbest Thing You Ever Did


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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I mean, I've never felt this dumb.

I missed my exam today, Was told it was the 2nd and 3rd, and just figured I could trust that. Took me 30 seeconds to find confirmation it was actually today, once somebody told me. I need to be shot, Though, it doesn't matter much, really. Have all the time in the world for it next year. Whole year focussed on studying, but damn, most idiotic thing I've ever done, and that's saying quite a bit.

Now, make me feel better, by airing your own idiocy.
ive never done anything dumb. you're an idiot.

hahahaha i wish i never did anything dumb!!!!
not going to maths class all year. that was pretty dumb. i used to have a list of all the dumb shit i did, but i think over the last year or two my mind forcibly forgot it all so as not to remind me how stupid i can be. and then if you add women into the equation ive done some pretty retarded shit there too!
yeah but a degree? what did you miss out on? your masters? you can always go back and do that after. also will masters not be easier after a few years work?
StevenK said:
yeah but a degree? what did you miss out on? your masters? you can always go back and do that after. also will masters not be easier after a few years work?

I fear it would be the contrary. Going back to uni after 4 years... And I almost didn't work during those four years :tickled: Now I'm a teacher like. What a paradox :Smug:
stupid mistakes and blunders, it's what my life's made of it seems...

worst of all was quiting school to get married. ( and no , it's not the second part i regret;))
A few years ago, me mate's pen was empty at school. He put it on the ground with the point facing upwards... He told me to crush it with my foot, and without thinking about how dangerous it was, I did it :p
I stomped it as hard as I could, but the fucker didn't break, instead the point came out of the plastic top, it pierced the bottom of my shoe, and then my foot :tickled: It went almost 3 fuckin centimeters in my foot, and a few (dunno the word, it's not muscles, but the other thing.... 'pees', voor Nederlandstaligen :p )
were broken. Couldn't walk for a few weeks... Pretty damn stupid if you ask me :) It was one of the most painful things I ever experienced, but at the same time, it was funny as hell back then.
oh ok, Cambridge University, December 2003.
Interview for Theology course.
Polite talking, lost my voice, told once of the interviewers that he wasn't 'very professional' cuase he came late - it was supposed to be a playful bit of banter like, he didnt take it very well. this got me dead nervous and thus i lost my voice. i sounded like i was going to burst into tears. so i said 'I'm not going to cry by the way, i can see you were thinking it.'
Later on there was a group talk with the interviewers. some comfy chairs in the room, lounger types. so i parked my little arse on the edge of one, fell off and the lounger flipped onto me. something to do with weight distribution apparently.
didnt get into cambridge, need i say it.