More Random Stuff

someone on myspace sent me one of those "dirty sex" survey thingys. shes underage so I filled it out accordingly. its mildly amusing:

Dirty Survey
Welcome to the Dirty Survey. Are you daring enough to answer this for this person?

Answer this for the person who posted this send it back to them in a PRIVATE message and then repost it for yourself!

1. Would you have sex with me?
Answer: no, you are an underage girl and Im a law abiding citizen

2. What positions would u want me to b in?
Answer:the standing over the kitchen table and making me a sandwich postion

3. Would u suck /LICK me ?
Answer:I would lick the sandwich

4. Would u sex me hard?
Answer:I sex myself hard...

5. Would u hav sex with me the first night u met me?
Answer: this is a trap isnt it?

6. Would u pull my hair while we did it ?
Answer: srsly are you an fbi informant?

7. Would u do me in the shower?
Answer: no, because I dont take showers

8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up to the bed and then do me?
Answer: next question

9. Would u have 3-some with me?
Answer: only if that "3-some" strictly involves 2 girls and me making myself a sandwhich

10. What about me makes u want to hav sex with me?
Answer:you're underage duh... ahh fuck trapped

11. Would u want me to talk dirty to u while we sexed?
Answer: lol "sexed"

12. Where would you do me?
Answer:I'm afraid I have no clever remark for this question.

13. Would u do me in front of people?
Answer:see above

14. Would u do me again and again?
Answer: see above

15. Would u do me in the rain?
Answer:see above

16. Would u mind if we did it like a porn star?
Answer: *sigh* see above

17. Would u have phone sex with me?
Answer: I guess so. I dont think there are laws aganist having phone sex with a underage girl... is there?

18. Would u cheat on me?
Answer: pfffft I could say "no" but that doesnt necessarily make it true.

20. If I gave u my heart would you love it or let it go?
Answer: I'd eat it.

21. Would you do me once and leave me the next day?
Answer: no because the next day I'd have to probably drive you to school

22. Would u tell me the truth no matter what it is or what you do?
Answer: yea sure
23. Are u gonna re-post this to see if and how I want to do you??
Answer: lol no
yeah there are more flattering pictures out there of her ;) Keep in mind she's in her 50's!
Here is a random thought. I have the song that the insano-flex was dancing to stuck in my head. (From the Aqua Teen Movie)