My Arms, Your Hearse


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
On face value alone (sentimental attachment not included), this is the greatest Opeth album.

This is where they perfected their style, the acoustic elements merged in with the metal structures coherently, and the clean vocals were spot on.

My personal fave is probably Morningrise, but again, on a scientific factual basis (because subjectivity is teh gay), My Arms, Your Hearse is the greatest Opeth album. It is their magnum opus.

Agree / Disagree?
I hate the production on this album, in fact it makes it unlistenable at times. I'm serious, that hiss on the drum track (or wherever it lies) annoys me to no end. However, songs like When and The Amen Corner are pretty awesomely kickass. Still Life got this formula better though, like Erik said.

Demon of the Fall sucks, except for the end part. Good way to end their show though.
Still Life bores me in that I can't listen to it all the way through. "White Cluster" is godly, however.

So J - you really think Orchid is the best album (regardless of any sentimental attachment)?
Still Life is boring in the middle yes, but every Opeth album has several boring moments except Deliverance, and then Morningrise of course which is boring from start to finish. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
So J - you really think Orchid is the best album (regardless of any sentimental attachment)?
Absolutely. Nothing they've written since beats Forest of October or The Apostle in Triumph.

I have no sentimental attachment to Orchid. MAYH was my first Opeth.

And yeah, other than two songs, Still Life blows the pea soup.
JayKeeley said:
On face value alone (sentimental attachment not included), this is the greatest Opeth album.

This is where they perfected their style, the acoustic elements merged in with the metal structures coherently, and the clean vocals were spot on.

My personal fave is probably Morningrise, but again, on a scientific factual basis (because subjectivity is teh gay), My Arms, Your Hearse is the greatest Opeth album. It is their magnum opus.

Agree / Disagree?

Completely agree. Easily their best album, as far as I'm concerned... I like the production too :yell: :Smug:
I haven't listened to Still Life all the way through since about three months after I bought it... The Moor and White Cluster are amazing, the rest seems somewhat Opeth-by-numbers... personally I reckon MAYH is probably the best as well, although sentimental attachment to Blackwater Park would usually lead me to say that one.
Russell said:
I like the production too :yell: :Smug:
*hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

It has never really been my favorite Opeth album, but it's arguably their most important one as it its their first concept piece, marks the transition from the Morningrise style, has their first non-metal tracks in Credence and Epilogue, and adds a conciseness missing from the first two. When is easily on their best, and Karma is highly underrated.
Demonspell said:
It has never really been my favorite Opeth album, but it's arguably their most important one as it its their first concept piece, marks the transition from the Morningrise style, has their first non-metal tracks in Credence and Epilogue, and adds a conciseness missing from the first two. When is easily on their best, and Karma is highly underrated.

I'll agree with everything said here. I know that Opeth is one of the greatest bands ever, but I listen to them probably for a combined time of 30 minutes every 3 months. Back when I listened to basically DT, Opeth, and In Flames only (2ish years ago), I completely wore myself out on all of the Opeth releases. Still, for some reason, Orchid I can listen to whenever. Its a beautiful album and their best. I can't believe I haven't heard Morningrise yet (besides Black Rose Immortal).
Marksveld said:
Still, for some reason, Orchid I can listen to whenever. Its a beautiful album and their best. I can't believe I haven't heard Morningrise yet (besides Black Rose Immortal).
Morningrise is worth hearing for Advent alone.

I'm pretty much the same... Orchid always seems incredibly rich and fresh compared to all their other albums.
I'd say Still Life is their magnum opus, when everything came together. I think it's a little bit like Orchid and a little bit like Deliverance. Well-rounded. I'm most sentimentally attached to Deliverance, my first metal album ever.

But really, all of them are great and I've never been able to choose a favorite, though Blackwater Park is the only one that doesn't stand a chance of being No. 1. The others are just better, including Damnation. I have a hard time ranking them and since it's ever changing, it's not worth the effort. I do think Orchid is incredible and probably the best as for never wearing out or getting stale after ridiculous amounts of repeated listening.
I won't even go near calling these guys one of the greatest metal bands ever. Would've said it 2 years ago, probably, but that was before I'd really heard much metal at all. They're pretty unique and have some awesome atmosphere, and I still like them and try to listen to a CD every few months, but I can never sit through it anymore. I want to, but it just won't happen. I enjoy a song or 2, but then start to think "hey, I could be listening to something better..."

If I had to pick one, Morningrise would be DAMN near the bottom of the pile, and Orchid or MAYH would be on top. Still Life was by far my favourite for a long time, but I think I've worn it out far worse than I have any other album ever.
Disagree. I think "Still Life" is their finest moment, followed by "Morningrise". After those two, I'd put MAYH. "Face of Melinda" is probably one of the greatest songs I've ever heard, and "White Cluster" is just fantastic.
