recommend me some non-metal THAT ISN'T ABOUT GIRLS/RELATIONSHIPS

While I dont think Life Sucks is an idiot, I agree with you. Its the same with metal and cheesy lyrics about satan. I wish people could understand how to look at different forms of music.

You guys are close-minded. He never said that music with lyrics about relationships was an abomination or anything like that. But he's looking for stuff he'll LIKE. Not only is it impossible to force yourself to like anything, No one is obligated to like all forms of music and there's probably nobody who likes all forms of music equally. Critiquing a guy for the kind of music he likes is like saying someone is dumb for the kind of clothes they wear, it's superficial and inaccurate.

If he's supposed to overlook the lyrics, what is he supposed to enjoy about it, the music? Some people are very into lyrics, some people listen to music mainly for the lyrics. Questioning their taste is about as mindless as critiquing someone for their hair color. And it's certainly no better than someone who says "joo guys are dum 4 liking teh st00pid deth medal!!"
You guys are close-minded. He never said that music with lyrics about relationships was an abomination or anything like that. But he's looking for stuff he'll LIKE. Not only is it impossible to force yourself to like anything, No one is obligated to like all forms of music and there's probably nobody who likes all forms of music equally. Critiquing a guy for the kind of music he likes is like saying someone is dumb for the kind of clothes they wear, it's superficial and inaccurate.

If he's supposed to overlook the lyrics, what is he supposed to enjoy about it, the music? Some people are very into lyrics, some people listen to music mainly for the lyrics. Questioning their taste is about as mindless as critiquing someone for their hair color. And it's certainly no better than someone who says "joo guys are dum 4 liking teh st00pid deth medal!!"

You've lost the plot here. Not one person has said that Life Sucks and yourself should force yourselves to listen to music with lyrics about girls if you don't like them. What most people here have said though is that there is PLENTY of non-metal music without girl/relationship lyrics out there, and that asking for music without those lyrics is WAY too broad a request. And if you really think that most non-metal only has lyrics about girls them you are quite simply deluded and uninformed.
You've lost the plot here. Not one person has said that Life Sucks and yourself should force yourselves to listen to music with lyrics about girls if you don't like them. What most people here have said though is that there is PLENTY of non-metal music without girl/relationship lyrics out there, and that asking for music without those lyrics is WAY too broad a request. And if you really think that most non-metal only has lyrics about girls them you are quite simply deluded and uninformed.

That's a laugh. I listen to more non-metal music than I do metal. I'm sure there's plenty of artists with a lot of non-relationship songs, but most of 'em have a lot of relationship songs. If what you're saying is legit then it really shouldn't be too hard to give him what he wants. How come people haven't even given off more than a handful of names? Just rattle off a 20 or 30 examples if you're serious.
That's a laugh. I listen to more non-metal music than I do metal. I'm sure there's plenty of artists with a lot of non-relationship songs, but most of 'em have a lot of relationship songs. If what you're saying is legit then it really shouldn't be too hard to give him what he wants. How come people haven't even given off more than a handful of names? Just rattle off a 20 or 30 examples if you're serious.

This is Bob. Bob listens to N'Sync, The Backstreet Boys, and Cannibal Corpse. Bob listens to more non-metal music than he does metal. Bob thinks most non-metal artists sing about relationships.

Honestly listening to more non-metal than metal doesn't mean you have a huge knowledge of non-metal. I can think of a butt load of genres where the primary focus of the lyrics is not on relationships, classical, jazz, flamenco, roma, enka, celtic, techno... I could go on. There's so much out there, I need something a lot more specific than "not metal" and "not about girls".
That's a laugh. I listen to more non-metal music than I do metal. I'm sure there's plenty of artists with a lot of non-relationship songs, but most of 'em have a lot of relationship songs. If what you're saying is legit then it really shouldn't be too hard to give him what he wants. How come people haven't even given off more than a handful of names? Just rattle off a 20 or 30 examples if you're serious.

I already rattled off almost 20 names. Quite frankly I can't be bothered rattling off any more because a. the request is far too broad as I've explained already, and b. I have nothing to prove here. If you want to be Mr. Hardheaded and steadfastly believe that most non-metal is about girls even though the opposite has been pointed out to you several times already, then why should I bother?
Bollocks. Name some bands, buddy.

Maybe you're totally right, I'm not saying you're not. But the only explanation I can fathom for why you guys fail to give him recs is that there's something wrong with what you're saying. If it's really so easy to find bands that don't sing about relationships, then name some of them. Otherwise you're being needlessly difficult.

If somebody came in and said "Well I've never listened to metal before but I'd like to try it out. I don't care about any of the specifics, just reccomend me some metal." Would you have a hard time reccomending to him? I sure as hell wouldn't. If he has no preference, that makes it easier to reccomend, not harder. It doesn't matter what styles he may or may not like in the future because that is all yet to be found. Maybe he'll like death metal and not power metal, but it doesn't matter. For now all that matters is reccomending some metal, because that's what he's looking for. So just name a shitload of bands that don't sing about relationships and you'll be doing the threadstarter a favor.

Furthermore, this guy HAS given criteria beyond simply the lyrical content. So couldn't you also go off of that?

Satanstoenail - that's an obvious cop-out. "If you don't wanna believe what I'm claiming, then pfft yer stupid. I can't name any more bands but you should just magically assume that there are more than the 20 I mentioned out of millions of bands." Your recs don't really hold up. Alice In Chains? Pretty much all their songs about relationships. If not strictly man-woman romance then clearly human-to-human relationships much the same.
Satanstoenail - that's an obvious cop-out. "If you don't wanna believe what I'm claiming, then pfft yer stupid. I can't name any more bands but you should just magically assume that there are more than the 20 I mentioned out of millions of bands." Your recs don't really hold up. Alice In Chains? Pretty much all their songs about relationships. If not strictly man-woman romance then clearly human-to-human relationships much the same.

FFS. You ask for 20 names, I point out that I've already rattled off 20 names. Now this isn't good enough. And now AIC aren't good enough to make the list because they've apparently got songs about human interaction? Ugh. Your arguing style basically sucks balls. You keep inventing shit and dodging valid points. I'm bored and have other things to do. I bid you good day.
:lol: Coping out again with ad hominem attacks.

Your list of 20 doesn't count because out of those bands, the ones I'm familiar with sing a lot about relationships.

But let's just pretend that those 20 bands only did a few relationship songs each. That's still only 20, out of how many bands exactly? Millions. If there's only 20 exceptions in modern music of lyrical bands that don't constantly sing about relationships, that's not nearly enough to make a point.
I listen to tons of non-metal bands who don't sing about relationships...and non-metal is incredibly general.

You're essentially viewing music from a completely black and white perspective, that being non-metal and metal. There are countless different forms of music and genres outside of metal so it's unfair to categorize them all into one (under non-metal) and imply that the vast majority of them write lyrics about relationships.
If somebody came in and said "Well I've never listened to metal before but I'd like to try it out. I don't care about any of the specifics, just reccomend me some metal." Would you have a hard time reccomending to him? I sure as hell wouldn't. If he has no preference, that makes it easier to reccomend, not harder.

You can't compare Metal to Non-Metal like they're the same thing. If he says recommend me some jazz, I will, if he says recommend me some surf rock, I will, if he says recommend me some flamenco, I will. But recommend me some non-metal/non-jazz is broad as hell.
:lol: Coping out again with ad hominem attacks.

Your list of 20 doesn't count because out of those bands, the ones I'm familiar with sing a lot about relationships.

But let's just pretend that those 20 bands only did a few relationship songs each. That's still only 20, out of how many bands exactly? Millions. If there's only 20 exceptions in modern music of lyrical bands that don't constantly sing about relationships, that's not nearly enough to make a point.

if his 20 is up against millions of bands that sing about relationships, I want to see your list of 1 millions bands that do. Now I'm sure you could bring out quite a list, but you can't just say there are millions that sing about relationships. If thats a reasonable argument, then I would counter that billions of bands don't sing about relationships.
I can't believe I'm actually doing this

Bands that Don't Sing About Girls/Relationships

(Note: Life Sucks, a lot of this stuff is happy and you'd probably hate it)
Adiss Harmandian
Agitation Free
Amon Düül
Ananda Shankar
Art Ensemble of Chicago
Ash Ra Tempel
Béla Fleck & The Flecktones
Black Dice
Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade
Corvus Corax
Dick Dale and His Del-Tones
Dizzy Gillespie
Django Reinhardt
Domingo Patricio
Ennio Morricone
Erkin Koray
Faith No More
Fanfare Ciocărlia
Félix Lajko
Fishtank Ensemble
God of Shamisen
Guru Guru
Harout Pamboukjian
Hellfish & producer
Henry Threadgill
Herbie Hancock
Hossein Alizadeh
Japonize Elephants
Jason S
Jerry Goldsmith
John Zorn
Justin King
Khorram & Sharif
Kid 606
King's X
King Crimson
Klaus Schulze
Mahavishnu Orchestra
Miasma And The Carousel Of Headless Horses
Mr. Bungle (Unless you count Girls of Porn)
Naked City
Paco De Lucia
Paul Baghdadlian
Perrey & Kingsley
Peter Thomas Sound Orchester
Popol Vuh
Project Pitchfork
Rodrigo y Gabriela
Salsa Celtica
Secret Chefs 3
Secret Chiefs 3
Shiina Ringo
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Stolen Babies
Sun City Girls
Tangerine Dream
Tin Hat Trío
Tomoyasu Hotei
Tony Levin
Vicente Amigo
Xhol Caravan

I literally just went through my ipod and put down every single band in there that wasn't metal, skipping over 3-5 or so because they had a few songs about girls.
I mentioned them in the other thread, but I still say:

The Tea Party

The Bazaar


Black Snake Blues (Jeff Martin, lead singer of Tea Party)
People who listen to music mainly for the lyrics tend to be gays.
I don't listen to metal only for the lyrics, but the typical whiny relationship lyrics of indie/alt ("she said....." is the most overused line in the genre to the point where it annoys the fuck out of me) do annoy me. This is the second time you tried to insinuate I'm gay. haha Kind of ironic coming from a virgin who looks like Harry Potter.
Life Sucks,you should try some indie that is about about girls than dont sound whiny.

Of course, heres Interpol. Dark and gloomy.

Also, try Deerhunter. The lyrics are abstract and not about girls.
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Hey Life Sucks, you need to tell us what you want in it. Because as people said 'isn't about girls/relationships' is too broad.

But if you want some influenced by Metal then try

Alice In Chains - Facelift, and Dirt, their first two albums (I think)
Some tracks I recommend to try are We Die Young and Man In The Box which are off of Facelift. On Dirt try Them Bones, Dam That River, and Junkhead. Just to see if you like those albums. By the way, listen all the way through because some have pretty good solos.

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